Chapter 8 (Part 5)

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     Later, Jean, Kevin, and Gabriel traverse the school corridors, stumbling upon rows and rows of students that obstruct their path. As they manoeuvre across the deluge of students, they turn to the right and enter an empty hall. Once they spot Professor Lenszcen's office door far ahead, they halt in unison.

"Alright. You got this, Jean," Kevin sighed.

"I got this... I got this," Jean mumbled.

     At this point, only Jean strides forward while Kevin and Gabriel stand still in the background. Kevin and Gabriel remain in their positions, watching as Jean marches forward. Halting before Professor Lenszcen's office door, Jean takes a deep breath and gathers his confidence, his brows furrowing slightly.

     As Jean claims his confidence, he knocks on the door gently. Immediately, the door swings open, revealing a figure on the other side of the threshold. Standing on the other side is none other than Professor Lenszcen.

Professor Lenszcen gasped in surprise upon seeing Jean. "Oh- Jean!" he stammered.

"Oh, hello, Professor," Jean raised a hand and waved at Professor Lenszcen. "Sorry, did I bother you??" he asked in concern.

"No, no. I'm fine," Professor Lenszcen responded, tidying his coat with his hands. "Uh. What brings you here? Again...?" he queried.

"Oh! I was thinking about asking you regarding your invention again, sir," Jean replied politely.

"Uh-huh. And what makes you want to ask me about it?" Professor Lenszcen inquired sternly, crossing his arms as he leaned against the doorframe.

"Oh..." Jean thought momentarily for an answer.

Professor Lenszcen stepped forward and bore his gaze upon Jean. "Tell me what you want to say," he commanded.

"Well, you see, sir, as you've stated, the purpose of your invention is to help those who are separated from their blood relatives identify their living relatives. As you've said, your project is beneficial for orphans and parents who've lost their children," Jean explained, his words tumbling out in a rush.

"And? So?" Professor Lenszcen probed further, inclining his head closer to Jean.

"And... I... I... as a boy... who lost his mother... I want to unveil my mother's condition, and I believe your innovation can help me out," Jean sighed deeply.

"...I'm sorry..." Professor Lenszcen crossed his arms and looked down. "I'm sorry, but..."

Jean gazed at Professor Lenszcen with glistening eyes. "Hm?"

"My invention... it's... it's unavailable at the moment," Professor Lenszcen continued, his voice turning deeper.

"Oh... well... at least, may I seek advice from you?" Jean asked kindly.

"What do you mean?" Professor Lenszcen sought for clarification.

Jean took a deep breath before responding. "I'm having visions, and you were a professor in Visions. And I was thinking, maybe you can help me out on how to understand my visions."

"What kind of visions are you having?"

"Please, sir. I'd truly appreciate it if you could lend me some advice. I've been having visions about my mother. And recently, I've dreamed of her, standing right before the great facade of our university," Jean stated.

"I'm sorry, Jean, but I'm afraid I cannot help you with this task," said Professor Lenszcen.

"Please, sir, I beg of you," Jean pleaded.

Tears began to glisten in Professor Lenszcen's eyes as he sniffled. "I can't. You know the reason..." he sniffed.

"Sir. Maybe just for once...? Please...?" Jean begged earnestly.

"No..." Professor Lenszcen refused with tears dripping down from his eyes. "For the last time... no..."


"Do you have an idea who your mother is?" Professor Lenszcen asked.

"No... not really..." Jean sighed with a frown. However, his expression drastically brightened as he smiled. "But! I suppose you can help me out! Surely, sir, with such knowledge you have, if we combine your wisdom and my skills on visions, maybe I can fully understand who my mother truly is—" he began, but his words got cut.

"That's enough, Jean!!" Professor Lenszcen growled, stomping his foot with fury. "Why don't you be more considerate!? I've given up on being a professor in Visions because it's giving me stress to the point I abstained from eating food for days! And God knows, everyone knows in this school the reason! And I'm aware you, too, know it! So, don't pull me back from when I've almost harmed myself!"

     With a violent push, Professor Lenszcen grabbed the door and slammed it close, causing the walls to shudder. As the door slammed, a blaring echo wailed across the hall, capturing the attention of every student nearby. Then, there was an eerie silence.

     Jean's heart aches with sadness, and his eyes shimmer with unshed tears. His breath hitches, and his eyelids feel heavy. From this moment forward, he begins to lose hope of finding his mother. He even starts pondering the very existence of his mother.

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