Chapter 4 (Part 4)

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"Ah. I see Mr Albert Hidesine-Podeshire is trying to redeem himself," Professor Sauber mockingly remarked with a smirk. "How about you give it a try... Bertie?"

     Bertie and George immediately freeze, their toes ceasing from bouncing like eager tendrils. Upon being chosen, Bertie's eyes sparkled like the stars in the night sky, and his smile stretched from ear to ear. Meanwhile, George sighed in disbelief and glared at Bertie, crossing his arms as a tight pout formed on his lips.

     With a hint of pride, Bertie closed his eyes and stepped forward, squeezing through the forest of students. As he reached the professor and stood before her, he stretched his back and raised his chin. Inhaling deeply, Professor Sauber handed her wand to Bertie, her eyes closing halfway through.

     Bertie grasped the wand with excitement. He spun it around his hands, admiring it from every angle. Beaming a luminous smile, Bertie stepped forward and stood beside Professor Sauber, his eyes darting towards the elegant writing on her summoned book.

"Here. Give your wrist a swift flick, point the wand towards the sky so you won't harm anyone, and chant this..." Professor Sauber instructed, her eyes locked on Bertie as she pressed a finger on her thick book. "Lutderum Vi Fodrum," she read aloud.

"Lut... Lutderum Vi Fodrum...?" Bertie read with a tinge of uncertainty.

Professor Sauber nodded and stepped aside. "Now, try it," she said.

     With a bright smile, Bertie walked forward and planted his feet on the ground while Professor Sauber stepped aside. Concern flickered across Professor Sauber's face, assuming Bertie might fail. Taking considerable action, Professor Sauber faced the students who stood as witnesses, including Jean, Kevin, and Gabriel, addressing them with a clear, loud voice that permeated the air.

"Move back, everyone," Professor Sauber commanded, raising her hands and gesturing towards the students.

     Complying with the professor's orders, the students carefully step back from Bertie. With their eyes fixed on him, they move slightly from the field as they watch. Once done, their feet root themselves into the soft embrace of the soil, and their gazes lock on Bertie's keen figure.

Sensing the need to voice a reminder, Professor Sauber tapped Bertie on the shoulder and whispered loudly, "Don't forget to point your wand towards the sky. Not towards anyone, got it?"

     Grinning, Bertie takes a deep breath. Feeling the magic coursing through his skin, Bertie closes his eyes and channels his thoughts. Slowly, he raises the wand to his shoulder level. And with a flick of a wrist, he points it towards the sky.

"Lutderum Vi Fodrum!" he chanted.

     Excitement turned into disappointment when Bertie's action resulted in nothing. Confused, Bertie glanced at the wand and inspected his fingers. Scratching his head, he bent his knee and fixed his posture. Then, he flicked the wand and pointed its tip towards the space.

"Lutderum Vi Fodrum!"

     Nevertheless, nothing happened, and it was the second time. The students exchanged confused glances, wondering to themselves why nothing occurred. Though his action was frustratingly fruitless, Bertie persisted. With determination blazing within his pupils, Bertie began wagging the wand vigorously as he voiced the spell.

"Lutderum Vi Fodrum! Lutderum Vi Fodrum!"

"...Alright... that's enough now, Mister," Professor Sauber murmured to Bertie. Fixing her glance at the students, Professor Sauber stated, "Can someone else try?"

"No, Miss! I can do this!" Bertie persisted.

     Bertie continued wagging the wand as he chanted the spell, his words stumbling out. While Bertie attempted to do the spell, the students before him remained quiet. The students exchanged apprehensive glances, their faces adorned with uncertainty. Without shifting their heads, their gazes landed on each other, each silently seeking an exchange.

Kevin glanced at Jean, lightly tapping him on his back. "Hey, how about you try?" he suggested.

"Oh, no thanks," Jean replied, shaking a hand.

"Just try," Kevin smiled, eager to push Jean forward.

     Feeling the charismatic pull seeping from Kevin, Jean's eyes sparkle. Jean cannot help but feel the urge to obey Kevin's desires. Something within Kevin somehow pushes Jean to comply with his suggestions, and he cannot do anything but do it.

"Any volunteer?" Professor Sauber raised her hands, her eyes scanning the students from left to right.

"No, Ma'am! I can do it!" Bertie told Professor Sauber, still trying to voice the spell desperately.

Jean's hand darted to the air. "I'll do it." He stepped forward.

"Ah. Come here," Professor Sauber responded, gesturing to come closer.

     With a seamless mix of confidence and humility, Jean steps forward, squeezing through the bustling crowd of students. He struts forward, approaching Professor Sauber in the middle of the school's verdant field. While Jean walks towards them, Bertie releases a desperate sigh and glances at Professor Sauber's book. His eyes immediately glide towards the page, and he spots his mistake.

"Oh! That's why!" Bertie's eyes widened. Clearing his throat, Bertie slashed his hand forward and pointed the wand towards the sky, slightly shaking it. "Lutderum Vi Fodrum!"

     Suddenly, the wand's pointy tip summons sizzling particles. Then, the particles glow and blast towards Jean's approaching figure. Instantly catching sight of the incoming element, Jean's eyes widen, pondering if this may seal his fateful demise.

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