Chapter 2 (Part 2)

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"...Surely, I've heard your name before... in the past," Jean whispered, his voice barely audible as he tried to gather his swirling thoughts.

     Jean and Kevin persisted, their eyes locked in an uncompromising gaze, their attention drawn to each other's features. Something about their shared presence triggered a thought, elusive yet persistent, lurking within the recesses of their minds. They refused to let this contemplation slip away into oblivion, determined to unravel the mystery. They delved deeper into their thoughts, refusing to back down, knowing that the answer they sought was waiting to be discovered.

"...Wait... is your father's name... Oliver...?" Kevin asked, his voice laced with expectation and uncertainty, hoping that this question could solve their endless contemplation.

"...Yeah, why'd you ask?" Jean replied, still staring intensely into Kevin's brown eyes.

     Finally, Kevin's uncertainty gave way to clarity as the answer he had been seeking materialized in his mind. The untouchable thought that had eluded him for so long had now turned into a solid realization. The weight of his questions and reflections lifted as the burden dissipated, leaving Kevin feeling as light as a feather.

     A faint gasp escaped Kevin's lips as his head tilted, his eyes widening in astonishment. His gaze remained fixed on Jean's sandy strands, his mind connecting the dots with each passing moment. Gradually, his eyes shifted towards Jean's deep brown eyes, ordinary yet captivating. A light smile formed on Kevin's lips, a knowing expression embellishing his face, as he realized all he needed was confirmation.

"...Jean?" Kevin uttered, his voice filled with excitement, as he sought to capture Jean's attention and witness his reaction.

     As Kevin's words resonated with confidence and charm, Jean's fragmented thoughts finally converged, leading him to a gratifying realization. The charismatic manner that emanated from Kevin was something he had once encountered, and now, standing before him was someone he used to know. The tight grip of uncertainty around Jean's mind began to loosen, and the weight that burdened his back and shoulders gradually dissipated as he grasped hold of that unreachable memory he had sought.

     Jean's eyelids shot open as his breath caught in his throat. His eyes sparkled with the warmth of fond recollections. Absentmindedly, his hand rose to his lips, and his jaw parted in awe gently. A deep breath escaped him, a mixture of surprise and nostalgia, as he couldn't help but inhale through his nose.

"...Kevin?" Jean's voice trembled with recognition, his eyes widening as the pieces fell into place.

"Jean!" Kevin exclaimed, the grin on his face growing impossibly wide. He eagerly opened his right arm, inviting Jean into an embrace.

A rush of joy surged through Jean as he finally recalled the person's identity standing before him. His face lit up with a radiant smile. "Kevin!" Jean stepped forward, shifting his body to the side, and enveloped Kevin in a warm and friendly embrace, his left arm locking around Kevin's shoulder.

"Wow! I can't believe it's you! Do you remember me? It's me! Kevin!" Kevin's excitement spilt out, his voice brimming with nostalgic glee. "The one who used to visit you and bribe you with candies whenever we played games!" Kevin giggled as he interlocked his right arm around Jean's back, giving him a light, playful pat.

Jean pulled back slightly, his grin widening. "Yeah, how could I ever forget you and your silly manners?"

Kevin's face flushed. He then wagged his hands, attempting to shield himself from his awkward memories. "Ha! Shush! That was when I was only five! We were just kids."

     As the conversation between Jean and Kevin continues, it becomes apparent that they were once childhood friends who were separated over time. Now, they have been reunited within the same school, an unexpected twist of fate that brings exhilarated grins to their faces. The joy of their reunion is tangible, spreading across their handsome visages like a radiant sunbeam. As they laugh and engage in conversation, their eyes twinkle with nostalgia and shine with memories they created together during their youthful days.

"Where have you been, though? It's been such a long time since I last saw you," Jean inquired, his smile unwavering.

Kevin's expression softened. "My family and I moved away a few years ago. Sadly, I was too young to understand what was happening, and I didn't get the chance to say goodbye."

Jean nodded, understanding dawning on his face. "Oh. That explains why."

"You?" Kevin asked.

"Me? Still living in the same mansion," Jean replied, crossing his arms and subtly swaying his hip to the side.

"Oh, of course. How could you even dump such a splendour?" Kevin thought, inclining his head towards Jean.

"Hm, yeah. Well, how old are you now?" Jean asked curiously, eager to establish the connection between their ages.

"Seventeen, turning eighteen in October," Kevin responded.

Jean's eyes widened, with a smile spreading across his face. "Oh! So, we're the same age after all."

"Yeah! And with that in mind, tell me, how have you been? I never knew we study at the same university."

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