Chapter 8 (Part 1)

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     Professor Lenszcen strutted across the aisle inside the classroom and climbed the platform facing the students. As he walked forward, his arms cradled a large, thick object draped with a cream-white sheet that seemed to strain his shoulders. As he reached the teacher's desk in front of the classroom, he immediately placed the object on the wooden surface and dusted off his palms.

     Jean and the other students stared intently at the object covered with the white sheet on the desk. They couldn't help but wonder what could be hiding behind the sheet. Glancing at each other for clues, the students sought insights from their companions.

"Good morning, everyone! Sorry, I was, uh! A bit late. But now, I'm here, and we may begin our lectures," Professor Lenszcen addressed the students with a calm but loud voice that projected across the classroom. "But! Before we begin our lectures, I'll give you a peek at what we will be doing in Technology Class."

     Turning to the object on the desk, Professor Lenszcen grabbed the sheet and pulled it off, revealing the item underneath to the students. Upon seeing the glistening object, the students gasped in awe, and their eyes widened. The allure of the item was undeniable, pulling the students' heads closer to it.

"So, just in case you don't know, I'm an enthusiast of inventing in hopes of getting a Master's Degree as a Technology Professor at Asbranne National Campus. And with such age I have, I've surely done countless inventions already. Recently, I've invented a new machine, and I would be proud to showcase it to you so that you may have a glimpse or idea of what kind of stuff we do here," Professor Lensczen informed the students with a confident smile. Pointing a palm at the object on the table, Professor Lenszcen continued, "So, this is one of my inventions. It is not a prototype; it's in its alpha stage. It has been tested and approved. And it is, let's say, usable in this phase." Professor Lenszcen paused and took a deep breath. "So! What is this invention about? Well. I did this so that people who lost their relatives could track them," he explained. "This would be quite helpful to orphans or parents who lost their living children."

     Upon hearing Professor Lenszcen's explanation, Jean's curiosity rose, and he leaned his back forward. He widened his ears as he listened intently. The basics of the machinery owned by Professor Lenszcen sparked immediate interest in Jean, and he knew it could potentially help him uncover her mother's whereabouts.

"This invention requires merely a solitary drop of blood to function, and it has the capability to identify a blood relative of the individual whose blood was utilized," Professor Lenszcen explained. "By pricking the tip of your finger with a clean and, of course, sanitized needle and letting a drop of blood fall into this spot right here, this transparent glass screen will turn opaque and draw the picture of your relative!" he emphasized as he pointed at the intricate parts of the object.

     Jean's eagerness to explore more about Professor Lenszcen's invention heightened. He knitted his brows together, and his lips pressed tightly as he focused sharply on the innovation. He had every desire to use the invention.

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