Chapter 3 (Part 1)

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     The school bells, once again, resounded with their distinct gong-like chime, their echoes reverberating far and wide. The sound reached the stars and bounced off the horizon, reminiscent of a church calling for mass. The blaring noise filled the entire school grounds, yet within the sturdy walls of the university, it became muffled, like a gentle lullaby that reached each student's ear.

     The sky shimmered with an almost blinding brightness, causing one's eyes to sting upon gazing at it. Scant clouds floated across the atmosphere, allowing the vast expanse of azure to dominate. The radiant sun pulsated, casting warm and gentle rays of light upon the land. A melodious wind whispered through the trees, coaxing them to sway and dance like skilled dancers on a stage.

     Despite the sun reaching its peak in the brilliant blue sky, the wind offered respite from the heat as it blew softly. The school gardens burst with vibrant flowers, their blossoms creating a breathtaking contrast against the lush greenery, painting the scene with a kaleidoscope of hues. Sparrows delightedly chirped and nested atop the roofs overflowing with chimneys. As the servants opened the windows, the birds took flight, soaring toward the clouds.

     The conclusion of the general orientation in their first class signals the start of a bustling migration as every student on the campus makes their way towards the cafeteria. The grand doors swing open, and a torrent of students flows inside, resembling a deep river in motion. Within moments, the cafeteria becomes a hive of noise and activity as students jostle for space. Boys and girls converge, creating a vibrant canvas filled with an ocean of heads. Attentive servants step forward, assisting students with their midday meals.

     The cafeteria stretches out like a majestic hall, rivalling the size of a stadium. It accommodates the bustling crowd, with ample capacity to hold hundreds of people at once. Perfect symmetry adorns the space, as white pillars grace the chamber from each side. The lofty ceilings, reaching towards the sky, hold hands with crystal chandeliers that bathe the hall in a warm and inviting glow.

     The dark wood walls of the enormous cafeteria, reminiscent of rich chocolate, create a striking contrast against the pristine white panelling and pillars lining the hall. Extending in a rectangular shape, the chamber almost resembles the grand aisle of a cathedral, with a red carpet adorning the gleaming marble floor. Windows punctuate the walls, offering glimpses of the outdoors and allowing sunlight to pour in like a cascading waterfall.

     Rectangular wooden tables draped in crisp white tablecloths fill the expansive space of the cafeteria. Surrounding the tables are sturdy wooden chairs with plush red seats, offering comfort to the hungry students. At the forefront of the cafeteria stands a long, cedar-brown stall, proudly displaying an enticing array of dishes for the students to feast upon. On the opposite side of the stalls, female servants dressed in black uniforms with white aprons diligently attend to the students' meals.

     Upon the stalls, a tantalizing assortment of food eagerly awaits, beckoning the students to indulge their taste buds. Rich reddish-brown stew, savoury ham sandwiches, pasta drizzled with a crimson sauce, macaroni glazed with cheese, creamy mashed potatoes, and a selection of freshly baked bread fill the space, their enticing aroma permeating the air. From the kitchen, more dishes emerge, including a tempting vegetable soup, beans with golden potato wedges, and succulent steak drenched in a creamy gravy. For dessert, cups brimming with fresh strawberries, apples, and grapes patiently await the students' selection.

     Students from various academic years gather in the bustling cafeteria. With wide, toothy grins, they eagerly approach the stalls and retrieve trays for their meals. As they move along the serving line, they select gleaming silver spoons and forks for themselves. Progressing deeper into the line, delight surges through their senses as they receive mouthwatering, steaming dishes from the attentive school servants. Once they have collected their food, they turn towards the available chairs, joining their friends as laughter and animated chatter fill the air.

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