Chapter 4 (Part 1)

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     The sun continues its relentless ascent towards its zenith. But, soon, it begins to slip from its peak. The azure sky shimmers like a diamond, reflecting the sunlight, causing one's eyes to strain when outdoors. White clouds, thin and wispy, prove little cover from the daylight, letting the sun send its blazing rays upon the ground.

     Smouldering and searing, the daylight presses down upon the backs of those outside. Yet, the cooling effects of the cold gust balance the temperature, allowing those who wish to go out to bear the sun. The wind blows towards the university, its touch caressing the vibrant bushes and trees, causing them to sway and rustle.

     As the wind takes over the sweltering heat, those who want to go outdoors step out. The calm, gentle gust blows onward, pushing the thin, white clouds above towards the school and merging them into thick, cumulus clouds. Slowly, as the clouds coalesce like a solid block of cement, covering the sun behind the embrace of their thick veil, the temperature lowers, and the bright tint hovering in the air dims.

     Students leave their classrooms and gather in the halls. They traverse the corridors in groups, creating a tumultuous flood of boys and girls within the school. As they stride about, they begin to scatter, making an effect reminiscent of a swirling whirlpool. Once silent and serene, the halls overflow with buzzing laughter and giggles as students walk around.

     Jean, alongside Kevin and Gabriel, marched down the corridor, passing through numerous students along the way, careful not to step on their toes. As they strode forward, their gaze roved, savouring every corner of the gilded hallway. Executing a sharp left turn, they descended a mighty stone staircase that could hold hundreds of students.

"What's your next class, guys?" Jean asked as they walked down the staircase, his hands finding respite in his pockets.

"If I remember correctly, my next class is Magic and Spells," Kevin replied as they reached the marble tiles of the ground floor.

"Wow! Same here!" Gabriel exclaimed, leaping forward with glee.

With curiosity getting the better of him, Kevin gently elbowed Jean on the arm and asked, "How about you, Jean?"

Jean snatched out a piece of crumpled paper from his pocket and unfolded it. His eyes immediately scanned the cursive letterings on the paper before responding. "Hm. I believe we all have the same class," he said, smiling.

"Perfect! We can walk there together, then!" Gabriel suggested, his grin reaching his two ears.

     Thirty students—including Jean, Kevin, and Gabriel—gather in the vast expanse of the school's verdant field. The open space stretches for miles, its furthest point blending with the horizon. As the students merge into a circle, they brush against each other and whisper into one another's ear, sharing their news and gossip.

     Jean, Kevin, and Gabriel remain united, standing shoulder-to-shoulder, staying silent amidst the distracting noise around them. Their mouths rest while their eyes move and drift towards every direction, scanning the lush green field before them. As Jean's gaze roams, he spots something unfolding on the campus' majestic walls. Captured by the sight, Jean fixes his eyes and body towards the direction of the school, his blood rushing with anticipation.

     A colossal wooden double door groans in protest as it swings open. On the other side, darkness lies, refusing to give way to the light across the threshold. Slowly, a human silhouette forms on the other side, heels thudding against the floor. Then, the figure passes through the humongous doorway, stepping into the daylight.

     The professor has arrived, her heels commanding attention from those within earshot. The professor struts down the stone path leading from the school building to the verdant field, her back as straight as the distinct line of the horizon in the sea. Her siren eyes, sharp and precise, sparkle like jade, complementing her dramatically long eyelashes, and her skin shimmers like the clouds above her. Her voluminous hair, pulled into a sleek high bun, is like the starless night sky, oozing ethereal darkness and mystery.

     A crystal-white gown wraps around the professor's petite figure. Her neckline plunges, revealing her bust, but her white cloak gives her a touch of modesty as its hood rests atop her head. Laces traverse her bodice, accentuating her slim form, and her long train drags across the ground.

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