Chapter 12 (Part 3)

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     Jean's eyes fluttered open, still heavy from the night's tender dream. As he gradually opened his eyes, he met the cloudy, grey sky above. Jean slowly rose from the roof and stood up, climbing down towards his bedroom window. As he reached the glass, he opened the window and hopped onto his bed.

     The dawn arrived, yet the sun's glory was concealed underneath the thick cloak of grey clouds. Dense, heavy clouds formed in the sky, blocking the sunlight. However, amidst the overcast gloom, resolute sunbeams persevered, penetrating the cloud cover and casting their luminous rays upon the world below.

     Quietly, Jean slid the window, closing it and securing the lock. Taking a silent breath in his nose, he turned and looked at his friends, seeing them still asleep on their mattresses. As he spotted Kevin and Gabriel still deep in their sleep, a sense of relief coursed through him, knowing his guests were never disturbed. A heavy breath then passed through Jean's lips, and his gaze fell.

     Jean moves across the mattress, and his feet meet the snug floor. Sliding his feet into his black shoes, he rises from the bed, his eyes fixed on his sleeping friends. Manoeuvring across Kevin and Gabriel, Jean makes his way across the bedroom unheard. As he reaches the bedroom door, he swings it open, careful not to make the hinges groan in protest.

     As Jean crosses the threshold, he closes the door. Before he does so, he peers at his friends between the gap in the doorway. Later, Jean finds himself traversing a seemingly endless corridor. As he marches down the hallway, he fixes his gaze ahead, eager to uncover what he had heard in his dream.

     A door creaks open, its hinges laughing like a sorceress. Jean peeks into the room, scanning every corner and seeing nobody inside. As Jean proceeds into the room, leaving the doorway wide open, he gazes at the window on the right side.

     Jean steadily approaches the window, peering through the glass. As he stands before the window, he observes the clouds swirling in the morning sky. Jean presses his eyes, hoping to get a quick glimpse of the blue atmosphere and yellow sunlight. However, the thick, grey clouds remain stubborn and refuse to give way, lingering in the sky like the grass in a park.

     Suddenly, a creaking noise echoes across the air, capturing Jean's attention. Swiftly, Jean's eyes dart towards the open doorway. And there, he sees someone that causes his brows to fly towards his hairline and his eyes to widen. Jean's breath ceases, and his heart races with hope.

     In the doorway stands a captivating woman in her 30s. Her radiant skin glistens with a fair luminescence, reminiscent of a sun-kissed field of barley. Her eyes hold a subtle sparkle, akin to the earthy glint found in clay. The sleek, velvety strands of her hair effortlessly cascade into a perfectly styled bun, emanating a lustrous sheen that rivals the glistening grains of sand adorning a beach.

     The woman's body is draped in a plaid, khaki dress with long sleeves. White cuffs encircle her wrists, harmonizing with the pristine white collar that frames her neck. The bell-shaped skirt, fashioned from a silky fabric, sways with every movement, captivating onlookers with its fluidity and allure. A matching bonnet rests atop her head, secured by a cream ribbon, adding a modest touch to her look.

"...Jean?" the woman called out.

As Jean gazed at the woman's face, a sense of familiarity flowed over him, eventually realizing she was none other than his biological mother, Josephine. "Oh?" Jean responded, his breath caught in his throat.

"It's me..." the woman, Josephine, said. "Your mother."

"M-mother?" Jean stammered as he stepped forward, closing the distance between them. "Is it... is it truly you?" he asked.

Josephine's eyes glistened. "Yes... it is I who instructed you to enter this room in your sleep," she replied.

"...So, it's really you," Jean sniffled.

Josephine reached forward and placed a hand on Jean's cheek, guiding his gaze. "After seventeen years. Look at you now. My, you've grown into the young man I've envisioned. I'm so happy for you, my son," she whispered.

"M-mother..." Jean murmured, lowering Josephine's hand from his face. "W-why did you give me away when I was a baby? Is it to preserve your reputation? I've sought you dearly..."

     Josephine's hand slips from Jean's face, her eyes lowering with guilt and shame. With a quivering breath, she breathes in through her mouth. Then, she releases a heartfelt sigh and closes her eyes, preparing to address her only son. As she begins to narrate her grievous past, the picture from the bygone days flashes in Jean's mind, taking him to the time of her miseries.

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