Chapter 6 (Part 4)

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     The ball continues, though the enthusiasm doesn't last long for Gabriel as he finds himself seated at a round table with Jean and Kevin. His heart feels like needles puncturing his veins, and he cannot bear the pain, causing unshed tears to glisten in his eyes. Pressing his elbows on the table, he leans forward, placing his head on his palms and grasping his hair.

     Jean and Kevin glance at each other, and their eyes reflect their worries for their gloomy friend. They subtly raise their brows as a silent communication, seeking solutions from one another. Sighing, Jean reaches forward and gives Gabriel a reassuring pat on the back, and Kevin does the same.

"We're so sorry, Gabriel. We... we... if..." Jean bid his sympathies, unwilling to be one of the witnesses of the unfortunate events. "If she doesn't reciprocate your feelings, it'll be best to move on from now on. Like they always say, there are plenty of fish in the ocean. Don't cling to a shark," he continued.

"Yeah, that girl, Violet? She's for the dungeons with the goblins," Kevin scoffed, patting Gabriel hard on the shoulder.

Jean tightened his lips, slowly forming a smirk on his face. "Chill," he told Kevin.

A heavy breath lifted off Gabriel's tongue, passing through his lips like a tidal wave. "...I'm so sick of this. So sick of everything. Why do people here dislike me? What in the darn world did I even do wrong...?" he complained, shoving his face on the table.

Jean contemplated for an answer before replying. "The world isn't fair, Gabriel. People will be cruel. Just like my father always says. This world is cruel. But... it's up to us to choose our happiness," Jean stated solemnly.

     As Jean's eyes lingered on Gabriel, his pupils radiating hope, a recollection crystallized in his mind. The thought caused his eyes to pop open and his mouth to emit a faint gasp. Slowly, his heartbeat grew faster, rivalling a sparrow's fluttering wings.

"And... I like your character, Gabriel. When we first met... you wore a bright smile, even if you were mistreated on this campus. Stick with that," Jean added.

"Yeah, Jean's right," Kevin nodded in agreement.

"Why should I stick with that?" Gabriel groaned. "I'm tired of it..."

"Oh, I know why, Mister," Jean replied, raising a knowing brow. Directing his gaze towards Kevin, Jean said, "Hey, Kevin. Stay with Gabriel right here. I'll be right back."

"Okay," Kevin replied, nodding.

     Jean pushes his seat and rises, his face mirroring his determination. He then turns from the round table and squeezes through the forest of boys and girls, careful not to step on anyone's toes. As he manoeuvres left and right, he proceeds forward and carries on.

     The memory of someone in his dreams pushes Jean forward. He can remember each moment, and it is carrying him onward. The thought showers his head with hope for his friend, and thinking about it further adds to his dedication to continuing his mini-quest.

     Taking a sharp turn to his right, Jean passed through boys and girls and stumbled upon a lofty door with glass panes leading to a balcony. And there, standing on the balcony, a girl stood, the scene eerily similar to his dream. The girl possessed the same features as the girl he encountered in his dream, and his curiosity compelled him to approach her.

     The moonlight caresses the girl's head, giving her hair coiled into a messy bun a glint reminiscent of bronze. Her skin gleams as white as snow, even if it is dark. Her eyes sparkle, mirroring the colour of summer leaves, complementing her light, natural blush and rosy lips.

     A pastel peach dress envelops the girl's slim figure, her neckline adorned with frills and ruffles. White gloves run up to her wrists, complementing her pearl necklaces and stud earrings. Pink carnation flowers embellish her hair, wrapping around her head like a magnificent crown.

     The girl stands before the balcony railings, her forearms leaning against its stone surface as she looks down upon the school gardens. Her invisible pain weighs her face, pulling down her lips as she takes slow, composed breaths through her nose. As she peers deeply at the outdoors, faint footsteps reach her ears, prompting her to turn around. Before her, a boy with sandy blonde hair—Jean—stands.

"Oh..." The girl flinched.

"Hello there," Jean smiled, introducing himself calmly. "My name's Jean."

"Oh... my... my name is Scarlet. How may I help you?" the girl, Scarlet, replied timidly.

Jean pondered momentarily, his eyes dropping. "...I'm fine, but... may I ask? Are you alright?" he asked.

"Excuse me...?"

"Are you alright?" Jean repeated his question, raising his voice slightly as he approached her.

"I... I am," she responded, her voice faltering.

Jean knew where the conversation was going, a knowing smile forming on his lips. "Pardon me, Miss. Forgive me if I ever offend you, but as I look into your eyes, I know you're feeling unwell," Jean said confidently.

A sense of shock gripped Scarlet as her eyes widened. "...You... you, good sir, have truly gotten the best of me. I do harbour such feelings... such sadness..." she revealed as her voice shook with apprehension.

"May I know why, Miss?" Jean asked, stepping nearer.

"...Did you see that hapless boy that got rejected by that uncouth girl earlier?" she asked.

"Yes. In fact, we're friends," said Jean. "You're talking about Gabriel, aren't you?"

With her interest captured, Scarlet lowered her shoulders. "Yes," she answered. "...I've been trying to catch his attention since we met in our first year. However, I'm always overlooked by him. I just wish that I get his attention, even for once."

Smiling, Jean requested, "Will you bear the time and stay here for a while, Miss?"

"Oh? Sure?" Scarlet replied reluctantly.

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