Chapter 5 (Part 2)

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     Jean continues his long strides down the hallway. The desolation and emptiness within the corridor are palpable, allowing Jean to hear his heartbeat and faint breath. The darkness creeps up on every corner, and the silence becomes tangible. Refusing to succumb to the darkness and stillness, Jean pushes forward and turns to the left.

     As Jean turns to the left and halts, he faces a gilded door that causes his head to tilt upward. Atop the doorway, a golden sign with carvings stands like a sentinel. Although Jean can discern the lettering, the darkness strains his eyes as he reads each letter.

"The Gilded Chamber..." he read silently.

     Curiosity rising, Jean reaches forward and twists the golden doorknobs of the grand double door. With a mournful creak, he pushes it open, and the other side reveals itself. What lies on the other side leaves Jean's jaw on the ground.

     On the other side, light triumphs over the darkness. The candles flicker, and the chandeliers suspended in the high ceiling bathe the corridor in a golden glow. Lamps hanging on the walls gleam, providing extra brightness within the room.

     Jean gazes around, seeing the splendour of the surroundings. White walls contrast sharply against the golden panellings, enhanced by the flickering candlelights from the lamps. A long red carpet lines the hall, guiding those who enter from the grand double door, its crimson shade shining brightly under the chandeliers. Portraits with golden frames hang on the walls, with subjects from the past centuries looking down upon anyone who strides down the red carpet.

     However, something catches Jean's attention—something that has his head bustling with questions. What causes Jean's eyelids to shoot up is the presence of the multitude of students in the hallway. The students stand in pairs, some stride, while others chatter in groups. Every boy and girl inside doesn't wear their respective uniforms but exquisite tuxedos and ballgowns. And the thought of it weighs on Jean's mind.

     The boys wear tailored black suits and trousers with white vests and black ribbons. Meanwhile, the girls wear colourful ballgowns with voluminous skirts that puff out like a pear. Their necklines droop low, allowing their sparkling necklaces and earrings to take the centre of attention. Finishing their outfits, they don white gloves that extend to their elbows.

     Freezing at the doorway, something adds to Jean's curiosity. The students inside the hall are frozen and motionless. Those who walk have their feet up but don't go down. Those who talk have their mouths open but don't produce a sound. And those around are just eerily firm and unmoving.

     Summoning his courage, Jean lifts his foot and steps onto the red carpet lining the hallway. Entering the hall, he strides forward and spins around, being cautious of his surroundings. As he reaches the rear of the hallway, he encounters another grand double door that plays with his interest. Placing his hands on the thick white panelling of the door, he pushes the doorway open.

     The other side immediately greets Jean with surprise. In response, Jean gasps silently and pauses in his tracks, his eyes fixed. Like a statue, he stands frozen, taking in the sight of the enormous chamber on the opposite side of the threshold.

     A humongous chamber stands, stretching out like the vast ocean. Countless treasures paint every corner in gold, their brilliance shining beneath the five gigantic pearl chandeliers. Windows grace both sides of the hall, allowing the moonlight to pour like graceful wine. The chamber acts as a ballroom, with a sea of motionless students dancing in the hall's centre.

     Jean cautiously enters the chamber, his shoes meeting the cold but reflective marble floor. As he looks around, he sees more and more students, their bodies still and frozen, dotting the place. With fright and the urge to uncover the surrounding mystery clashing within him, Jean strides down the staircase leading to the dance floor, where the frozen students dance and sway like sculptures.

     Continuing down the ballroom, Jean glances around and observes the motionless students speaking, though their mouths are unanimated and not uttering a sound. Jean's gaze then darts to the right, where he witnesses a long table with a white sheet holding an array of food and dishes. As Jean's eyes travel further to the right, they land at the base of the staircase. And there, he sees someone familiar; it is none other than Gabriel.

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