Chapter 6 (Part 3)

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"Violet! It's Violet!"

     Upon hearing the name of the girl he sought, Gabriel's eyebrows flew to his curly hair, and his grin reached both ears. He gasped loudly, and his eyes shined like the stars. Racing with anticipation and excitement, Gabriel's heart grew faster and more potent, almost punching through his chest. His hair and muscles tensing, he quickly gazed at the grand double door leading to the ballroom.

     There, passing through the lofty doorway, Gabriel's object of admiration, Violet, stood. With a confident smirk, Violet walked past boys and girls gawking at her. Raising her chin, she placed her palms on her waist and looked down upon the dancing students from the top of the staircase.

     As Jean's eyes landed on Violet, he remembered her; she was the same girl in his vision. The memory flashed before his eyes, crashing onto him like a swift, reckless carriage. Jean held his breath as he lost control of his breathing. His muscles coiled, and his fist clenched as he recalled the exact moment from his vision.

     Violet stands at an exalted height, her presence further enhanced by pearls embellishing her shadowy hair styled into a sleek bun. Her eyes glimmer like chestnut, matching her skin tone that mimics the shade of roasted almond. Her soft, velvety lips possess a wine-like glint, complementing her long eyelashes and deep blush.

     Violet wears a dark violet gown with a bell-shaped skirt, its lacy hem cascading into a train. Her collar hangs low, revealing her bust adorned with diamond necklaces. Pearl bracelets embrace her wrists, giving her outfit a faint shine.

"Is that her?" Jean asked, his eyes fixated on Violet.

"Yes," Gabriel replied, staring at Violet, his eyelids refusing to blink.

Jean glanced at Gabriel and placed a soft palm on his back. "...Hey, Gabriel."

"Yeah?" Gabriel responded, turning to face Jean.

"...You can do this," Jean reassured him.

"Good luck," Kevin added with a smile.

"Heh, you guys are the best," Gabriel stated, his cheeks flushing.

Jean pointed a palm towards Violet. "Now go for it," he said.

Kevin tilted his head and peered into Gabriel's eyes. "Yeah. You won't want other boys going to her first," Kevin stated.

     Gabriel's lips curled into a broad smile, directing it towards his friends. With a subtle nod, he turned around and rushed towards the base of the grand staircase, squeezing through the crowd of students. As he gained closer to the stairs, his heartbeat felt like a knife stabbing through him. His excitement became too palpable, and he couldn't wait to hear Violet's sweet answer.

     Just as Violet is about to descend the grand staircase, her eyes spot a boy at the bottom, facing her. She pauses, her brow rising as a straight line on her lips. Curious, she peers at his figure, wondering what might happen between them.

"Violet!" Gabriel called out.

     With a gentle descent, Gabriel kneels on one knee and spreads his arms out. He puffs his chest out confidently, though his furrowing brows betray his emotions as the sense of bashfulness battles with his confidence. Grinning, he takes a deep breath and prepares to address his pure thoughts.

"Violet! I want to tell you how much interest I have stored for you... how much passion I have stored for you!" Gabriel confessed. "You're just so... so pretty! And beautiful! And nice! And with such qualities you possess, it won't be a surprise if, heh- you know? If... if! People like you! Like. Like me!" he babbled, his words rushing out. "Violet. I- I, uh! I genuinely want to let you know that... that I..." he spoke up, but his voice faltered, and his words got cut.

"Wait... you like me...?" Violet interrupted, stepping forward as she raised a brow.

"Hehe... yes!" Gabriel nodded.

Violet's eyes shimmered like a meteor shower. But suddenly, her countenance changed. She furrowed her brows and smirked, saying, "You? A friendless, pathetic, miserable outcast? Confessing to a girl like me? Like- are you for real? Ew!! We're never meant to be together, buddy. Go find someone else," she scoffed.

     All eyes widened and turned towards Gabriel, converging upon him. Every gaze felt penetrating, and Gabriel felt like he stood atop a glacier at night. The passion burning in his heart instantly vanished, replaced by extreme sorrow and disappointment as a frown tugged at his lips. He lowered his arms, and with a deep sigh, he battled the incoming tears.

     Violet giggled and descended the grand staircase, walking past Gabriel's form as she blew a fan on her face. Meanwhile, Gabriel lowered his head, refusing to make eye contact with anyone. Seeing Gabriel's sorrowful visage pulled Jean and Kevin's heartstrings, compelling them to approach him.

"Gabriel... I... we..." Kevin stammered, reaching forward.

"We're sorry..." Jean whispered, furrowing his brows.

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