Chapter 3 (Part 4)

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     Jean's eyes instinctively lock on the boy's figure, and he watches him as he moves around the cafeteria. The boy wanders around, searching for any available seat, hoping he gets accepted to be part of the table this time. With a swift turn, he spots an empty chair and immediately approaches it. Flashing a bright smile, he places his tray down the table and pulls the chair out.

     Just as the boy is about to sink into the soft, warm embrace of the seat's red cushion, the students surrounding the table acknowledge him with unwelcoming glares, each piercing gaze stabbing through his soul. As he settles into the chair, a young man with a muscular build seizes his shoulder. The young man closes his eyes and lets out a faint snicker. He then tightens his grip around the boy as he clenches his teeth.

"You're not welcome here. Go somewhere else," the young man snickered.

     Jean catches every word emanating from the boy's corrupted mouth, and it causes his eyes to widen with anger. His fighting instincts kick in, but his calm and gentle heart urges him to handle the situation with manner and care. Taking a deep breath to soothe his nerves, Jean closes his eyes and clears his throat. He then pushes his chair out slightly and stands up, waving his right arm high for the boy with curly hair to see.

"Hey!" Jean called out.

     The boy grabs his tray from the table and hurryingly stands up. He then leaves the table, with the students mocking him with childish taunts. Even the young man with a muscular build threatens to punch his back, raising his fist, poised to strike him. The boy neglects the conflict and immediately looks around upon hearing Jean's composed voice.

"Over here!" Jean called louder, raising his voice slightly.

     The boy's eyes dart towards Jean. And with a broad but bashful grin, the boy approaches Jean. However, the boy's steps slow—as if an invisible rope of humility is trying to pull him back. His brows arch bashfully, and he gathers a deep, quivering breath through his nose.

"Me?" the boy asked.

"Yeah, you. Come join us," Jean smiled, settling back to his chair.

"Gee! Hey, thanks!" the boy grinned as he made his way towards Jean's table, his steps quickening.

     Gently, the boy places his tray on the table's soft tablecloth and begins sorting out his plates and bowls. With a careful lift, he pulls out a chair and settles down. Though sporting a radiant smile, his heart races with anticipation, eager to commence a friendly conversation.

"You're always welcome," said Jean.

The boy's eyes lowered, and he couldn't help but express his gratitude again with a bashful smile. "Hey," he began, his hand brushing his hair. "I want to thank you again... with my whole heart. I've been experiencing such mistreatment on this so-called 'prestigious' campus since my first year," he stated. "And you're the first one who treated me in a good way by inviting me to your table."

"Hm," a smile tugged at Jean's lips. "No worries. I know what mistreatment feels like. I also used to be an outcast when I was young," Jean revealed, his voice turning soft and faint due to the pain from the past.

"Truly?" the boy queried.

"Mhm," Jean nodded.

"Oh..." the boy's face, initially downturned, beamed a lucent grin. "Well then, that makes us kind of similar!" he giggled. "Twins, then!"

Jean couldn't stop himself from shaking his head lightly as he smiled, admiring the boy's upbeat manner, even in the face of adversary. "No. Starting today, you're no longer an outcast in this school."

"...How?" the boy asked, his face clouded with confusion, yet his radiant grin still pierced the haze.

Jean silently tilted his head towards the boy, his lips curling into a composed smile. "Hm."

"...Oh?" As understanding dawned upon the boy, his eyes widened, and his grin engulfed his face. "Oh! You mean... starting today, I will be hanging out with you?" he asked, his body bouncing in excitement.

"Yes," Jean replied, his eyes finding rest.

"Hey, count me in," Kevin chimed in, directing his words to the boy.

"Oh, of course!" the boy chuckled. "That means we're... hm... a trio!"

"A trio sounds nice," Kevin pondered, crossing his arms and raising his chin.

"Hehe, yeah!" the boy nodded in agreement. Smiling deeply, the boy extended his left hand towards Kevin. "By the way! I'm Gabriel Carthon!" the boy, Gabriel, introduced himself.

Kevin reached forward and shook Gabriel's hand. "Kevin Harbert," he smiled. "Nice to meet you."

With his left hand still shaking Kevin's hand vigorously, Gabriel crossed his right hand and extended it towards Jean. "And you?" he prompted, eager to learn Jean's name.

"Jean Hidesine-Podeshire," he introduced himself.

"Wow! Your name is long!" Gabriel gasped, his eyes widening with surprise. With a playful smile, he continued, "but I like it!"

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