Chapter 12 (Part 5)

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     Josephine concludes her painful narration, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. Overwhelmed with guilt and shame, she bows her head in silent contemplation. Gradually, she gathers her resolve and meets her son Jean's gaze, clutching his hands tightly, seeking solace and connection.

"Oh, Jean... I gave you away, not because I didn't want you, but because I believed someone out there could provide a better life for you... someone who would care for you in ways I couldn't." Josephine's voice trembled with sorrow as she spoke. "You see, I had a vision—a glimpse of a man who would embrace you as his own. It was in those visions that I saw the remarkable person you would become, and that's how I knew, deep in my heart, that you are my son, for I have seen you at this moment years ago."

"You mean... you also get visions?" Jean asked.

Josephine then nodded, peering deeply into Jean's pupils. "Mhm..."

"W-wait... does that mean you've seen how I grew up in your visions?" Jean inquired eagerly.

"I have," Josephine replied, nodding.

"...How did I grow up?" Jean wondered aloud.

"Oh, Jean... you'll become as influential as your father... you'll be a strong man... a wise man... people will look up to you as people look up to your father," Josephine stated, her grip on Jean's hands tightening with conviction.

"Hold on... my father? Is it Professor Lenszcen or...?" Jean pondered.

"The Remaining Podeshire," said Josephine.

Jean's eyes widened with surprise. "...How did you know him?" he asked, curiosity oozing in his voice.

     Unexpectedly, a creaking sound resonates and breaks through the conversation. Jean and Josephine pause their exchange as they hold their breaths, their eyes flitting towards the open doorway. And there, they see Jean's adoptive father, Oliver, standing on the threshold with a proud smile. As Oliver gazes at their forms, he takes a deep, steady breath through his nose, calming himself.

"...Because I know his capability for love," Josephine replied solemnly, resuming the conversation.

"Mother. I know you also have the capability for love," Jean said with conviction.

"Even if I do, I don't know if I have the power to raise you, for I am merely a peasant. I was just a caretaker in a university, wasn't I?" Josephine sighed, her gaze dropping with sorrow.


"What's important for today is your wish to see me has come true and I've seen you well and okay," Josephine whispered calmly.

     With a passionate heart, Josephine envelops Jean in her arms, drawing him close in a warm and tender embrace. Touched by his mother's gesture, Jean instinctively responds, wrapping his arms around her. Their embrace becomes a heartfelt intertwining of arms, their grip tightening as they hold each other, their connection growing stronger with each passing moment.

Josephine slowly pulled back from Jean. "But I fear I have no right to stay in your life," she cried. "I'm worthless..."

     Releasing a heavy sigh, Josephine closes her eyes and turns towards the door, poised to leave Jean, willing to give him up for his adoptive father, Oliver, forever. However, just as she is about to leave the room, a soft, warm hand wraps around her palm. With a faint gasp, she halts and looks at her side. To her surprise, she finds Oliver holding her back with a calm smile adorning his handsome face.

"Don't call yourself worthless," Oliver said. "You've faced numerous problems, and I understand the weight of those burdens. You made the selfless decision to give up your only son, sacrificing your own happiness to provide him with a better life. Your dedication has driven every action you've taken to give Jean the life he deserves. I can assure you, in Jean's eyes, you are worth more than anything else in this mortal world."

"...T-thank you..." Josephine responded timidly.

"...You know what? As Jean's mother, you have every right to be a part of his life. Today marks a turning point for you. How about you stay here and have your bedroom?" Oliver suggested, a knowing smirk playing on his lips.

"I would love to stay in Jean's life. But, I- I can't stay here. I don't want to bother," Josephine replied politely.

"What do you say, Jean?" Oliver asked, glancing at Jean.

     Jean's eyes glisten with tears, his heart heavy with emotion as he rushes towards his mother and Oliver. Without hesitation, he leaps forward, opening his arms wide to embrace them both. His grip tightens around them, a testament to the love that fills his soul. Pressing his face against their shoulders, he sniffles and allows the surge of joy within him to flow, overwhelming him with a profound sense of happiness.

     Josephine's eyes shimmer with hope and acceptance, her heart filled with joy and contentment. The sight of Jean and Oliver embracing her as part of their family overwhelms her, evoking tears of gratitude and happiness. With a trembling but tender embrace, she wraps her arms tightly around Jean and Oliver, cherishing the connection that binds them together.

     With a serene smile, Oliver envelops Jean and Josephine in a warm embrace, his heart brimming with love and joy. In this beautiful moment, he feels a deep sense of fulfilment, knowing that he has played a part in bringing another soul the gift of a peaceful life. Closing his eyes, he allows himself to savour the precious bond between a mother and her son, cherishing the profound connection that now unites them.

     As if summoned by the moment, Kevin, Gabriel, Bertie, and George step into the room, their warm presence adding to the sense of unity and love. Shortly after, Victoria, Elizabeth, and Gregory join them, their eyes filled with admiration as they witness the heartfelt exchange between Jean, Oliver, and Josephine. In a silent display of reverence, they stand together, their hearts open and receptive, paying homage to the profound significance of the moment.

     As Jean hugs his adoptive father and mother, he gazes towards the window. Through the glass, he witnesses a remarkable sight unfolding before his eyes. The once-cloudy sky begins to part, revealing a canvas of radiant blue. Rays of ethereal sunlight pierce through the remaining wisps of clouds, casting a golden glow over the world outside. It feels as if nature is offering him a new chapter, a fresh page to fill with stories of love.

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