Chapter 11 (Part 4)

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Gathering his courage to speak, Kevin cleared his throat and addressed his friend's adoptive father. "Oh, hello," he smiled.

Oliver continued squinting at Kevin as he peered closely at his figure. "I'm sure I've seen you before, young man," he said.

"Hehe, you do, Mr Oliver. It's me, Kevin, Jean's playmate when we were children," Kevin stated, gaining the confidence to smirk.

"Kevin... hm..." Oliver lowered his eyes, trying to recall who Kevin was. As he remembered who Kevin was, Oliver beamed. "Oh! Kevin! My! You've grown!"

"Hehe, you, too, Mr Oliver. I've noticed your hair seems to be browner than ever, hm," Kevin replied with a grin.

"Indeed. And I've noticed how you've grown into such a young, handsome man," Oliver complimented him with a smile.

"Hehe, thank you. However, I suppose I'm still a boy, not a man yet," Kevin insisted nonchalantly.

Oliver smiled proudly at Kevin's words as cherished memories flooded his mind. "Mhmh, you're right. Say, where do you live now, young man?" Oliver asked.

"Oh, I live in the city next door, sire," Kevin responded.

"You and your parents suddenly moved out a few years ago. Why's that?" Oliver inquired, curiosity tingling in his head.

"Oh. Well, my father had cancer, and we had to sell our petite mansion for money so we could treat his illness. Gladly, he survived, and my parents inherited my grandparents' larger mansion in the neighbouring city," Kevin narrated carefully, trying to remember each detail from the past.

"Oh, I'm sorry. But, thank God, everything turned out for the better in the end," said Oliver.

"Yeah, thank God, indeed," Kevin smiled slightly.

"Hm," Oliver smirked, glancing at Gabriel. "And what's your name, fine man? I've never seen you before," he inquired curiously.

Munching on a tea sandwich, Gabriel looked at Oliver and paused. He quickly swallowed a chunk of bread before responding. "Oh! Heh, my name's Gabriel, sir!"

"Jean and I adopted Gabriel as our friend," Kevin interjected with a giggle, adding a jest to the conversation.

"Adopted as a friend?? Pfft, hehe!" Gabriel chuckled.

"I suppose everything around me is adopted," Oliver joked, his eyes widening.

"Oh?" Kevin and Gabriel uttered.

"Well, I was adopted by the lord of this mansion. You guessed it—by the first mayor who handled Asbranne independently without any sovereignty from other kingdoms, Sir Frederick Alcadee. And, uh, heh... I adopted five children. Two of them are my daughters, Victoria and Elizabeth," Oliver informed. He then pointed an open palm towards Bertie and George. "And their brothers, Bertie and George. And also... the youngest, Jean."

"So fascinating, I must say," Gabriel nodded, gawking at Oliver in the eyes as he absorbed the information.

"Wait, Bertie and George are adopted? Respectfully saying, I thought they were your biological sons, Mr Oliver," Kevin whispered to Oliver.

As Bertie and George feasted on the tea sandwiches, they overheard Kevin's murmur. "Ahem, ahem?" Bertie and George cleared their throats, glancing at Kevin with half-closed eyes.

"Mhmh, do I look like I have a wife for you?" Oliver asked, shaking his head lightly.

"Oh." Kevin's eyes widened as he remembered an unspoken fact. "Pardon me, sir, I—"

"Haha! Have peace, Kevin. Many people at first do assume I have a wife," Oliver proudly stated, raising his chin and closing his eyes. "You're not alone."

"I almost forgot, sir, heh. I didn't mean to," Kevin said, scratching his head with embarrassment.

"It's alright," Oliver nodded with a smirk. He then glanced at the half-empty plate of tea sandwiches. Gazing at the kitchen door, Oliver raised his voice and said, "Oh! Dear servants! Lovely servants! Bring more tea sandwiches and, perhaps, a tea set for us if you please!"

     Maids dressed in black uniforms and white aprons emerge from the kitchen doorway while carrying plates of tea sandwiches. While the others bring tea sets and teacups, some carry plates of tarts and muffins. With a precise motion, the maids skillfully place the sweet snacks and aromatic beverages on the table.

     As Kevin, Gabriel, Bertie, and George savour the sandwiches and tea, Oliver watches them with a bold grin. Grasping a tart, Oliver lifts the snack towards his mouth and takes a tiny, modest bite. The sweet, creamy flavour of vanilla bursts on Oliver's tongue as he chews the tart, prompting his lips to curl into a smile. He then grabs a teacup and takes a delicate sip, and memories flash in his eyes as he drinks.

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