Chapter 9 (Part 2)

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Jean felt Professor Lenszcen's words stabbing through his core, and the pain was unbearable for him, causing his pace to slow. "...Professor..." He took a deep, quivering breath. "I am so sorry about yesterday... I was selfish... I was annoying... an annoying piece of brat. I was only thinking about myself. I should've thought about what you felt, too. Even I was cautioned to speak with you with kindness. Yet, I treated you like an object just for my needs," he spoke softly, his words dictated solely by his gentle but loaded heart.

     Professor Lenszcen hurries his pace, unwilling to hear Jean's apologies. He feels as if he wants to grab Jean and crush him for what he did yesterday. But, suddenly, as he hears Jean's voice almost choking with sadness and sympathy, something changes within him, and his steps slow.

     Glancing at Jean with downturned brows, Professor Lenszcen matches his pace with Jean and allows him to walk alongside his shoulder. Professor Lenszcen unexpectedly feels butterflies with blazing, fluttering wings in his stomach, threatening to burst forth from his mouth. Seeing Jean's vulnerable face and form acts like a balm, soothing Professor Lenszcen's anger.

"And if only I can turn back time... I will never, and I mean never, speak with you about that subject," Jean said.

Professor Lenszcen halted, causing Jean to halt as well. Professor Lenszcen then directed a soft, understanding gaze towards Jean and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Jean... I..." he murmured. "I forgive you. I understand you now. Let your worries melt away now, as I forgive you for your past mistakes, alright?"

Jean nodded, listening carefully to the professor's words. "Hm..."

"It's alright... everything's alright..." Professor Lenszcen sighed heavily.

     With his feelings getting the best of him, Professor Lenszcen steps forward and pulls Jean closer to his broad body. Then, with a gentle closing, he locks his arms around Jean's slim form and embraces him tightly. Professor Lenszcen closes his eyes and tightens his hug, cradling Jean's shaky body in his own.

     Jean's eyes widen, and his breath catches in his throat, surprised by the professor's unexpected move. Jean freezes, unable to think or move. All he can do is let himself submit to the will of the professor and hug back. Slowly releasing a deep breath through his mouth, Jean closes his eyes and embraces Professor Lenszcen.

     Jean and Professor Lenszcen cuddled with each other, tracing the contours of their backs. They allowed themselves to feel their heartbeats meeting, sparking wild flames in their core. Their scent, redolent of roses and vanilla, reached their noses, and the soft, silky fabric of their clothes touched their skin. Slowly, they let go and pulled back from one another with smiles adorning their flushed faces.

"...I... have to admit something to you, Jean..." Professor Lenszcen began, his shaky eyes dropping to the floor, refusing to make eye contact with Jean. But he knew what he was about to admit must cover the truth, and thus, he birthed a lie. With a deep breath, he said, "My invention... the reason it was unavailable yesterday was because... I... I, uh... I left it in the classroom. And when I came back to fetch it, it was gone. Stolen, perhaps..."

Jean immediately came up with an instant idea, causing his lips to curl into a light smile. "Oh, I know. But before I say this, I apologise if I'll state the topic."

"It's alright. Say it in any case," Professor Lenszcen smiled at Jean.

"Maybe... since I'm getting visions, I can use them to track where your invention is, sir?" Jean suggested.

Shocked, Professor Lenszcen's eyes widened. With a hint of fluster in his voice, he swiftly dismissed himself. "No, thanks, Jean. You don't have to do it. I- uh!"

     Jean observes, with confusion clouding his face, as Professor Lenszcen walks away quickly. Raising a brow, Jean tightens his lips and wonders why Professor Lenszcen's mood drastically changes. However, he cannot do anything but release a deep, heavy breath through his nose.

     Hours pass by with the gentle caress of the wind, and the night returns to swallow the land with darkness. As the crescent moon exalts itself in the dark sky, Jean returns to his dorm in his pyjamas. Within the walls of the dorm, he sees Kevin and Gabriel, also in their pyjamas, conversing with one another. Immediately, Jean approaches them with a friendly smile.

"Oh, hey, Jean. What happened between you and Professor Lenszcen?" Gabriel inquired, crossing his arms playfully.

"Well. He seems..." Jean replied, lowering his gaze, "he seems like a nice guy, after all... although, his mood changes drastically every second."

"I never noticed that. Maybe he only acts that way when he's around you?" Kevin guessed.

"Probably," Jean nodded, raising a brow. "Also," he began, stepping closer to his friends. "...Professor Lenszcen told me his invention was stolen. That's why it was unavailable yesterday," he revealed.

"My goodness, truly?" Gabriel gawked at Jean.

"Yeah. But, whoever stole it will pay for it. Because whoever did it will never escape my visions," Jean smirked, raising a chin.

"So, you're planning to use your vision to track down where Professor Lenszcen's invention is?" Kevin clarified.

"That, friend, is what I'll be doing," Jean responded, nodding.

"That's fantastic! Jean? Being a hero!?" Gabriel squealed, bouncing on his toes.

"Hehe, it's not a big deal. Just trying to help out a professor," Jean said, shrugging.

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