Chapter 12 (Part 1)

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     The night gently settles over the land, blanketing the area in a veil of ethereal darkness. As every earthly surface plunges into the shade of deep black, the sky gleams with bright celestial galaxies. Stars twinkle as comets streak across the night sky, adding an otherworldly glow against the dark.

     Singing an eerie song, the wind blows fiercely, brushing against tree branches. Fireflies take flight and flicker like lamps, giving a faint shine to their dark surroundings. Crickets chirp, and birds whistle, lulling those who hear their songs to sleep.

     Within the grand residence where Jean lives, everyone congregates in their bedrooms. While the others own their separate rooms, Jean has to share his bedroom with Kevin and Gabriel. Together, they gather inside and engage in a conversation on the snug floor.

     Inside the bedroom, a white canopy bed lies beside two plain mattresses. A white, fuzzy carpet rests before the bedroom door, providing comfort to those who enter. Fixed beside the bed is a window where the moonlight filters in, and beside it is a cabinet and a bookshelf filled with vast knowledge and wisdom.

     A beige wooden floorboard spreads across the room, complementing the pearl-white walls and ceiling. The candlelights on the chandeliers sit quietly, with no light flickering. The only source of light in the room comes from the soft, muted moonlight cascading through the window, its illumination casting deep shadows throughout every corner.

"Oh? Mr Oliver said that?" Gabriel asked, his eagerness pulling him closer to Jean as they conversed on the floor.

"Yeah. He promised he'd look for my mother," Jean replied, crossing his arms. "I know it's thoughtful of him. But I hope it's not disturbing him whatsoever."

Kevin's eyes lowered as he contemplated a response. "You see, Jean... parents will do anything for their child, just as Mr Oliver will do anything for you," he said. "Just trust him. I know he's a great father."

"He is. He is truly a great father," Jean smiled.

"A very great father, indeed, I say! He stuffed us with lots of food!" Gabriel added with a smirk.

"Mhmh. That's so typical of him," Jean remarked, shaking his head sarcastically.

"Hm, yeah. Anyways, it's getting late. It'll be the best if we go to sleep now," Kevin suggested, his eyes fixed on the wall clock.

Gabriel yawned, stretching his arms. "Yeah, ah... you're right," he concurred.

"Right. Goodnight, guys," Jean said.

     Soon, Jean, Kevin, and Gabriel doze off on their separate mattresses, their eyes sealed securely. As they find solace in their peaceful rest, the world becomes insignificant—as if their dire problems were nonexistent. As Jean seeks ease in his deep slumber, his dreams brim with endless thoughts and questions. However, unlike before, he sees no visions in his dreams. The thought of not seeing any more visions brings genuine worry to Jean as his brows furrow while he is asleep.

     Lying peacefully on the bed, Jean stirs and moves to the side. With his eyes screwed shut, he squirms under his warm, white blanket, seeking heat against his cold thoughts. Absentmindedly, Jean's lips begin to pull back to his ear, and his brows press deeper into the bridge of his nose.

     Jean's head shakes to the side, his eyes squeezing shut as a frown forms on his lips. His arms and hands travel downward, stopping just above his stomach. Releasing a heavy moan, Jean clenches his teeth and allows his cold breath to pass through his mouth.

     The excruciating burden loads on Jean's head as he feels questions whirling within him. However, he cannot see visions in his dreams but a blank, empty void. Just like the world falls into insignificance, his dreams lose their meaning as they don't connect with any puzzle he seeks.

     Contrary to Jean, his friends—Kevin and Gabriel—sleep serenely. Their eyes rest from seeing the demanding reality, and their dreams overflow with the fantasy they wish to live in. While Kevin sleeps with sealed lips, Gabriel snoozes with his mouth wide open, causing him to drool and snore like a pig.

     In the meantime, inside another bedroom, Oliver reclined on a chair, facing a wooden desk. As the darkness surrounded him, he summoned a sliver of light from his fingertip using his elemental powers. Then, he flicked his wrist and sent the light to a candle's wick, causing it to burst into flames. Although the room still crept into darkness, the light before him cast faint shadows on his handsome face.

     As Oliver joined his palms, he peered at the candle's blazing wick. He stared deeply at the flickering flames, the light reflecting on his glistening golden eyes. Grasping a broad sheet of paper from the desk, Oliver perused its content and analyzed it carefully.

     The broad sheet of paper was none other than the adoption paper, containing information about Oliver's adoptive son, Jean. As he read the words, Oliver peered directly at the additional information section. There, he gawked at the well-written name of Jean's biological mother, his piercing gaze unwavering.

"...Josephine Shalores..." he read silently.

     Oliver's gaze flits across the adoption paper, scanning its content. As he reads silently, the candlelight before him casting a faint light on his visage, he reminisces about his adoptive son's desire to search for his long-lost mother. Closing his eyes, Oliver lowers the paper from his face and takes a deep, heavy breath, releasing it as a heartfelt sigh.

     Raising a hand, Oliver presses his elbow against the polished, wooden surface of the desk and rubs his left eye. Pushing his chair, Oliver rises from his warm seat and proceeds to the window. And there, he stands before the glass, gazing at the celestial night sky.

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