𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞

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"So... we're stuck with children." Steve sighed loudly as he sat down on the couch "Yup. Always babysitting. Where are these kids parents?" She took a sip from her water bottle "Not watching their children." Dustin walked up to Steve "we need to hide the demo dog" Steve rolled his eyes "can't you do it yourself?" He asked "I can't, its too heavy" Steve rubbed his face "alright" He got up  from the couch "have fun touching that... thing." Cheryl spoke "yeah yeah, lucky you" Steve put his hand on top of Dustin's head, Cheryl waved her hand 'goodbye'.

Cheryl got up from the couch to Lucas "be careful with that" She looked to the ground, Lucas was sweeping a pile of broken glass "I will, i'm not a baby" "Well, don't come crying to me when you have blood coming out of those fingers." 

Mike was pacing around the room, worried for Eleven and Will. "Mike would you just stop already?" Lucas stopped sweeping "You weren't in there, okay Lucas.  That lab is  swarming with hundreds of those dogs." "DEMO DOGS!" Dustin shouted "Dustin, stop correcting others. It's annoying" Cheryl said when she looked at Dustin, he was over with Steve.

Steve walked over the younger kids "Listen dude, a coach calls a play in a game, bottom line, you execute it. All right?" He wiped his hands with a cloth after touching the demo dog "Okay first of all this isn't some stupid sports game.And Second , we're not even in the game. We're on the bench" Mike angrily told Steve "Now what?" Cheryl blinked at Steve "so my point is..." He stopped for a second "Right, yeah, We're on the bench so uh there's nothing we can do" 

"Nice try Steve" Cheryl patted his shoulder "I tried."  "that's not entirely true." Dustin spoke up "I mean, those demo dogs, they have a hive mind.. when they ran away from the bus , they were called away" Lucas nodded his head "maybe we can draw them from a lab" "clear a path from the gate."

"Yeah and then we all die" Steve yelled the last part "Are you scared?" Cheryl asked Steve "what? No" He shook his head "I saw we draw them away from the lab" Cheryl agreed with the younger kids "you got a death wish?" Steve put the cloth in his other hand "No, I just want the others to be safe."

Mike started to run throughout the house, saying they should burn the tunnel that Hopper was in "Hey hey hey!" Steve raised  his voice "This is not happening." Cheryl rolled her eyes "I promise I'd keep you shitheads safe, and that is exactly what I plan on doing" Cheryl scoffed "Steve, I think this is a great idea. Maybe we can kill every upside creature, or at least hurt them."  Steve smiled "No, we're not. We're staying on the bench" He disagreed with the girl "Oh come on! You need to have some fun in your life for once." Cheryl put her hands on her hips "Getting killed isn't fun! Might play Russian roulette!" Steve put the cloth on his shoulder. "You are so boring" Cheryl removed her hands that were on her hips "I'm not boring, just safe." He gave her a fake, sarcastic smile. "you guys are like a old married couple" Dustin told both of them.

Before they could reply, a loud engine was heard from outside of the house  "it's my brother" Max told Lucas when she looked out of the window. Cheryl looked at Steve, then they both ran outside to talk with Billy.

"am I dreaming or is that you, Harrington?" Billy asked when he took out his lit cigarette "Yeah it's me, don't cream your pants" Billy's eyes went to Cheryl "Well well well, look what we have here" Cheryl could feel the smirk he had on his face, she couldn't see since it was dark and foggy.

He took off his leather jacket, revealing his red shirt underneath, half unbuttoned. "what are you doing here?" Steve walked closer to the mullet teen, Cheryl slightly following short behind "I could ask you the same thing" He put the cigarette back in his mouth "You know those can kill you right?" Cheryl said, mentioning the thing he was smoking with "I know princess, you don't gotta worry" He winked at her, making her cringe.

"Stop talking to her, talk to me. Why are you here" Steve asked once again, in a more serious tone. "Looking for my step sister. A little birdie told me she was here" He looked at Steve "Huh that's weird. I don't know her" Steve lied to protect the others in the house  "small. Redhead, bit of a bitch" 

Cheryl bit her lips "she's not a bitch" Billy moved his eyes to hers "So she is in there?" Cheryl shook her head "no. My sister knows her. In fact, the only bitch here is you" Billy chuckled "Feisty, I like that." He licked his lips, Steve cleared his throat and moved in front of Cheryl, blocking Billy's view.

"You know..I don't know. This whole situation, Harrington. It's giving me the heebie-jeebies" He waved his hand around "oh yeah? Whys that" He blew smoke from his mouth "My 13 year old sister goes missing all day and then I found her with you in a strangers house" It did in fact sound weird, but Max knew Steve and everyone else in the house, including Will.

"man, we're you dropped too much as a child?" Steve asked Billy, it striked a nerve.  "I don't know what you don't understand about what I just said. She's not here." Billy pointed his cigarette to the window "then whose that?" Cheryl looked behind and saw Max and the boys looking out the window "do they not understand what hide means?!" Cheryl yelled, now they are in trouble with Billy.

Billy pushed Steve to the ground, causing Cheryl to fall with him "I told you to plant your feet" Billy walked into the Byers house "shit sorry" Steve got up and held out his hands for Cheryl to grab, she grabbed them and got up "son of a bitch" 

Cheryl ran inside the house, she saw Billy pushing Lucas to the wall. "get off of him you son of a bitch!" She grabbed his biceps and pulled him away from the frighten boy. Billy let out an evil laugh "you think you're tough?" He walked slowly towards her, Cheryl backing up as he walked towards her. "You know I thought we had something good going on" He licked his lips again "Oh yeah? elaborate" Cheryl looked up at him, her blooding boiling. "At the Halloween party, you were the keg queen for that night, made out and now what? You all over Harrington?" Cheryl's back hit the wall, she couldn't move backwards anymore, making her surrounded by Billy. "You slut" Billy put one of his hands on the wall, making them two closer.

"You know why girls only have a one night with you? Because they all know you're a bitch. They all know you are an abusive piece of shit. That's all you'll ever be." She put her hands on his chest and pushed him away, but it wasn't strong enough "You're cute when you're mad" He moved his face closer to her, a whispered "I'm trying my hardest not to hurt you. I don't hit women" Cheryl breathed heavily, her chest moving up and down, her forehead started to sweat. She was scared. 

"Get off of her" Steve grabbed his shoulder, and punched Billy on the jaw. Cheryl sighed in relief that Steve came to the rescue, again. Billy laughed "looks like you got some fire in you after all, huh? I've been waiting to meet this king Steve everyone's been telling me so much about!" Billy yelled  "Get out" Steve pushed Billy away, but of course Billy didn't leave, instead he tried to punch Steve, but he missed as Steve ducked and ran.

"Get him!" Everyone yelled, Cheryl watched as the two men fought, Steve winning so far. Billy grabbed a glass plate and hit Steve on top of his head "Oh shit!" Cheryl grabbed Steve "Are you okay?" She moved his hair out of his face "no I am not!" He yelled at her, he didn't mean to, he was just in a lot of pain.

Billy came running to them both, he ignored Cheryl but grabbed Steve, he continued to beat him down until Max grabbed a syringe on the counter and stabbed it through Billy's neck.

Billy grabbed it out of his neck, he started to wobble "what did you do?" He fell on the ground and laughed. Max grabbed Steve's nailed bat "From now on you leave me and my friends alone, you understand?" She held the bat above her shoulder, ready to hit him any moment. "Screw you." 

Max slammed the bat down, it was between his legs, nearly hitting his area "Say you understand! Say it! Say it!" Max yelled at her older step brother "I understand" He quietly said "What?" "i understand." He said before he closed his eyes.

"Max you are a badass" Cheryl complimented her "thanks." She grabbed Billy's car keys. Cheryl looked on the ground, Steve was passed out with blood all over his face "shit" Cheryl bent down on the ground to get a closer look "Steve wake up" She shook his body "wake up!" She slapped his face, some of his blood going on her hand. "Cheryl he's knocked out. We need to carry him."



By far my favorite chapter.

𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐄𝐍; 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐨𝐧 (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now