𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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Nancy drove her car up to the three "get in!" She honked the car horn, Robin opened the car door and slid inside "go go go" Steve waited until Cheryl got in, then he slammed the door shut. "Nancy, you're a life saver" Cheryl said while being out of breath, she put her hand over her beating heart. The floor shook as the large creature followed the car "it's following us" Cheryl informed everyone in the car "I can feel it" Robin stared at the back window, since the creature was large you could only see it's fleshy legs.

"It looks disgusting" Steve's face scrunched up in disgust "Yet so interesting" Cheryl added on. While Nancy drove as fast as she could, the radio that Robin had in her hand turned on, Dustin talking through it. "I copy Suzie poo" Dustin told the other girl that was in the radio "Suzie?" Cheryl grabbed the radio out from Robin's hand and listened to the two talk "I'm surprised Suzie's real" Cheryl said when she turned the volume up "Yeah- same" 

Dustin stopped talking for awhile until he randomly started to sing "you can have this back" Cheryl gave the radio back to Robin "what is he doing?" Steve had his mouth opened a bit from being confused why Dustin was singing in such a weird timing "singing never ending story" Cheryl answered his question. As Dustin sang, Suzie started to sing along.

Cheryl turned her head slowly to Steve, he did the same and mouthed 'what the hell' In response, Cheryl shrugged her shoulder. Both of the kids stopped singing and Suzie finally gave the code out to open a safe in the Russian secret base "well that was nice" Cheryl broke the silence in the car "Kid's got a nice voice" Robin spoke. 

Cheryl looked back at the window, the creature stopped following the car and turned back around, the same direction to the mall "it's turning around!" Steve yelled out "what?!" Nancy yelled back in confusion "It's turning around!" Steve repeated himself louder this time "maybe we wore it out?" Lucas suggested "I don't think so" Jonathan didn't believe Lucas suggested "Hold on!" Nancy yelled as she turned the car back around "I should have worn a seat belt!" Cheryl held on to the seat's In front of her so she couldn't get hurt, but she did bang her arm on the car door. 

Because of Nancy's fast driving skills, they made it to the mall in time before anything could have happened. Steve opened the door before the car could even stop and ran outside, Cheryl did the same, worrying for her little sister who stayed back with eleven. "oh i'm so glad I brought you" Lucas had two small fireworks in his hands "where did you get that from?" Cheryl looked at the red explosives "from a store, kept it in my pants" he answered with a shrug "ok ok come on guys" Nancy ran to the mall's door and held it open for everyone. 

The mall looked like a mess inside, all of the signs were broken, some fell off the stores. The lights flickered and some lights didn't even work, and cars were turned over. Billy and Allison stood in front of eleven who were laying on the ground, the mind flayer was getting attacked with fireworks in hopes to distract it. 

"here" Lucas handed Cheryl a larger fire work "thank you" She got the lighter off of Lucas's palm and lit the small string that was on top, it lit up with fire. "take that!" Cheryl threw the firework, it hit the Mind Flayer's head and caused significant  damage because the Mind Flayer started to move in every direction thanks to the fire sensation. 

Everyone threw fireworks at the big, dangerous creature, the colorful explosive filled the room with smoke "give me two" Cheryl had her hand out to Lucas "two? You're going to throw two?" Lucas didn't think it was a good idea "Yes please" Cheryl had a smile on her face, hoping that would let Lucas give in "fine" He gave her both fireworks and helped with lighting the strings up "OVER HERE!" Cheryl yelled as loud as she could, the Mind Flayer looked at her with it's mouth open, she took the  opportunity to throw it inside the mouth. It screeched in pain from the horrible feeling, because the Mind Flayer was in pain, so was Billy and Allison. 

Will had the last firework, he threw it and it hit the Mind Flayer's foot "Do we have any more fireworks?!" Steve yelled towards everyone "we're out!" Will answered him truthfully "Well that's great!" Cheryl said sarcastically,she wiped her forehead with her hand. 

The Mind Flayer walked to where Eleven was laying on the ground, it roared at her with its sharp teeth in a threatening way. As it went to attack Eleven, Billy grabbed the sharp tongue with his hands and tried to push it away, because of this, The Mind Flayer stabbed Billy's ribs "Billy!" Max screamed from the bottom of the mall in horror. 

Luckily, Joyce and Hopper closed the gate in time before any other damage happened. The Mind Flayer fell down the floor making a big thud, it was dead. The creature was finally dead. Allison ran to the bloody Billy, she put her hand on his face with tears rolling down her face "B-illy?" She stuttered her words with her dry throat. Billy put his hand on her cheek "I l-love you" He croaked out, Allison sniffled when she saw the boy blink slowly. Max walked to her step brother that she always hated, she was in disbelief on what she just watched; her brother's death. 

Cheryl slowly walked down the stair steps, she made it to the bottom floor. "Allison?" Cheryl was behind her old friend, she was worried for her. Cheryl and Allison may have stopped being friends, but they will always care for each other, no matter what.  Allison turned around and hugged Cheryl tightly, she burrowed her face in the crook of Cheryl's neck"I'm sorry" Allison sobbed and shook. She kept repeating how sorry she was "It's not your fault" Cheryl rubbed Allison's back in a comforting way. It wasn't Allison's fault, it was the Mind Flayer, she got infected with it which made her destroy and kill things.

Soon enough, the police and ambulance sirens were heard from outside. A firefighter grabbed both of Cheryl and Allison's arm and walked them outside of the burning mall "are you two okay?" The man's deep voice questioned "I am but she's not" Cheryl answered for Allison "We'll take a look at both of you two" Cheryl nodded her head, she sat in the back of an ambulance while Allison sat on a different one.

"Cheryl!" Penny ran over to her older sister, her arm had a deep wound in it "Penny what happened!?" Cheryl asked when they stopped hugging each other "Billy stabbed me before he died" Penny answered, her eyes were watery and her glasses were broken "Help!" Cheryl yelled for a doctor "she has a cut on her arm"  Cheryl showed the doctor Penny's bloody arm "okay I need you to sit down" The woman wearing white told Penny. Cheryl got up from sitting down so Penny could sit while the Doctor cleaned out the cut.

Cheryl couldn't watch the doctor clean her sister's blood, she would have cried if she did. She turned around a stared at everyone rushing to the mall, she watched Joyce hug Will as she cried, Hopper wasn't in sight. "Oh my God" Steve hugged Cheryl with full force, he was worried sick about Cheryl and her well being. "are you okay?!" He stared in her blue eyes "I think.. I don't know" She started to cry, she cried at the broken building, she cried from Hopper not being there, she cried from the pain and cried from all the damage. She just wished the Upside down didn't exist, she wished none of this happened. 


Longest chapter tbh. Next chapter will be a bonus scene :-)

𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐄𝐍; 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐨𝐧 (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now