𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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Max was driving the car full of speed, it was weird but she was good at driving. Lucas and Dustin squeezed seats in the passenger side because Cheryl wanted to sit with Steve, after fighting with Dustin, he agreed to sit with Lucas. Mike sat on the other side of Steve and was reading a book.

Cheryl kept a ice pack on Steve's forehead from bleeding, Billy sure did a lot of damage. "Nancy?" Steve asked when he looked at Mike, his head was dizzy and his vision was a bit fuzzy. He went to put his hand on his nose but Cheryl stopped him "You're going to make it worse" She pushed his hand down from his face. 

He took off the ice pack when Lucas gave Max directions "What's going on?" Steve questioned  "Oh my god!" Steve said when Max turned to look at the bloody man " what's going on!" Steve started to panic when Max pressed on the petal, making the car go faster "Steve calm down"  Cheryl spoke in a soft, calm voice but that didn't do anything as he panic even more.

"Stop the car! Slow down!" "I told you he'd freak out!" Mike yelled at Dustin "Everybody shut up! I'm trying to focus!" Max yelled at the arguing teens "Make a left!" Max changed the car direction, making everyone move from the side and made everyone scream.

"Max slow down!" Cheryl yelled at her, she put the ice pack on Steve's head again "why couldn't you drive!" Steve took the ice off "Because I wanted to be back here with you" Cheryl explained to the confused boy "r-really?" he moved his head, his brown eyes looking at her bright ones "yeah" Steve smiled half way until the car stopped. "Jesus!"

Cheryl opened the car door then opened the trunk, where there were goggles, bandannas  and other things to protect your eyes. "Hey! Where do you think you're going? Are you deaf? Hello!!" Steve tried to get Mike's attention when he brought out a red gasoline can. "we are not going down there right now! I made myself clear!" Steve grabbed Cheryl's shoulder when she walked behind Lucas "did you agree to this?" She nodded her head "sure did" She smiled "H-What!? It's not safe!!" He complained "neither are the demo dogs" 

She grabbed the brown rope and tied it down, Dustin was trying to convince Steve, he eventually agreed to help them. He put on yellow goggles and a red bandanna around his mouth and nose to protect him "After you" Cheryl jumped down the hole, it was weird looking. Orbs flew everywhere and it looked nothing like Hawkins.

"Holy shit" Steve said as soon as he dropped down "yeah I'm pretty sure it's this way" Mike looked at the map he had in his hand that he drew "you're pretty sure or are you certain?" Dustin asked Mike "I'm 100% sure. Just follow me and you'll know" He yelled back "I hope you don't get us lost Wheeler!" Cheryl yelled at the black haired boy "we won't get lost!"

"hey hey hey stop there" Mike stopped from walking when Steve walked to him "Anyone of you little shits die here i'm getting blamed" He warned Mike "and I'll get blamed too... or i'll be the one dead...." She pushed up her bandanna up her nose even more.

They started to walk again throughout the tunnels "what is this place?" Max asked when she flashed her flashlight everywhere "the upside down" Cheryl answered the ginger "guys keep moving"  Dustin screamed "help help!" Cheryl ran over to him "what the hell happened?" She asked him, he didn't look hurt "Some shit sprayed in my face!" He tripped on the floor, causing him to fall down. 

"It's in my mouth! In my mouth!" He took off the thing that protected his mouth and coughed "jesus Dustin, be more careful" Cheryl patted his back as he coughed, like a baby. "Yeah I totally wanted it to get into my mouth!" he finished coughing up whatever went in his mouth "I'm okay." he said calmly. "let's go"

"You little shit" Cheryl took off his hat "hey give it back" He snatched it from her hands "then stop playing tricks. This is a life and death situation" Dustin put his hat back on his curly hair head "I wasn't playing tricks"

"alright Wheeler, I think we found your hub" it was a spaced out area that had multiple tunnels "let's drench it" Cheryl grabbed a red gasoline tank and sprayed it all over the place, the other's helped out. "Don't get it on your clothes" Steve yelled "We're not stupid" Cheryl replied back, she dumped the rest on the middle of the ground.

"light her up" Steve took out his lighter "I am in deep shit" He threw the lighter on the dirt, the whole place started to burn and the vines moved upwards "let's go!" 

Cheryl ran for her life, she was behind everyone, making her a big risk to get burnt or eaten from the demo dogs. While they were running, a vine grew on top of Mike's leg, making him fall down "help!" He yelled, Cheryl got out her stake and stabbed right through the vine, it screeched and moved back "get up!" Mike jumped on his feet.

Behind them, a demo dog made a noise. "is that.. Dart?" Cheryl asked Dustin when she saw the yellow coloring on its butt "yeah?" Dustin slowly went to the creature "hey, it's me Dustin. It's your friend Dustin. " He took off his swimming goggles and bandanna, he went on one knee to get a closer look.

"you remember me?" Dart moved up to his friend "will you let us pass?" He asked, Dart opened his mouth up, all of his sharp teeth showing and spit flying all over Dustin's face. "Okay, i'm sorry about the storm cellar. That was a pretty douchy thing to do." he admitted 

Dustin took off his backpack and got out a candy bar that he once fed Dart, he put the nougat on the floor and Dart went to eat it, distracting him. "come on" Cheryl moved past the boy and his weird pet, she was surprised it actually worked. "That kid is crazy" Cheryl told Steve "I know"

"goodbye buddy" Dustin said his goodbyes and went with the others "That was cool" Cheryl said before she started to run where the rope was.

When the made it to their destination, a lot of demo dogs were roaring "They're coming" Mike said, Max was the first to climb up the rope, then Lucas, Mike was next, Dustin was the last one to make it up the rope. Cheryl and Steve couldn't go up in time as the demo dogs made it closer to them "you ready?" Steve held his bat in his hands "Not really" She had a wooden stake in her hand, it probably wouldn't do any damage as there were over 50 demo dogs.

Strange thing enough is when the demo dogs ran to their direction, they ran right past the two. Steve grabbed Cheryl by the waist and put her closer to him so she wouldn't get hurt, his fingers dug into her skin, but she didn't feel it because she was frightened.

All of the demo dogs were gone, Cheryl and Steve stayed close for quite sometime until they both looked at each other in their eyes, they both blushed when they saw how close they were "uh we need to go" Steve took his hand off of her waist  and took a step back, it was real awkward  after that.

"You go first" Steve insisted "alright yeah" Cheryl climbed up the rope, it reminded her of the intense gym teacher she had last year. "That was fun" Steve sarcastically said when he made it back to the regular world. The portal started to close thanks to Eleven's help.

was it finally over?


One more chapter left until act two

𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐄𝐍; 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐨𝐧 (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now