𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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Cheryl slammed her lunch tray down on the wooden table, making Robin flinched "Jesus" Robin placed her hand over her heart "Sorry" Cheryl soon apologized for scaring her friend "it's just this food is disgusting" Cheryl dug the white plastic spoon in the gooey mashed potatoes "ew.." Robin slightly gagged at the texture "I know. I think this is the only good thing on this whole tray." She picked up a shiny red apple "Call Steve to buy you something" Robin suggested "he's working" Cheryl said while taking a bite of the apple, a crunch noise coming out.

"But he'll go out of his way for you" Robin had a spoonful of the mashed potatoes "don't tell me you're going to eat-" Before she could finished her sentence, Robin put the whole spoon in her mouth but quickly spit it out onto her tray "okay yeah- don't eat that" She coughed, making Cheryl laugh. "Maybe I should give Steve a call-" 

A loud bang was heard from another table, it was revealed the table was the Hellfire club table, a group of nerds who played D&D together. "What is he doing?" Cheryl looked at the creator of the club, Eddie Munson, the weirdo of the school. "But as long as you're into band or science, or parties... or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets!" He yelled the last sentence loud, making Jason stand up "you want something freaky?!" Instead of responding, Eddie had both of his index fingers up as horns and his tongue out. 

"I don't even know why Penny is friends with him" Cheryl shook her head in disapproval, she didn't exactly hate Eddie but she did find him a weird guy, which is why she never hung out with him. "Nerds stick to nerds" Robin shrugged her shoulders "Clair isn't a nerd" Cheryl brought up their friend who happens to be in the Hellsfire club as well. "I don't know why she hangs out with Eddie either" Robin flicked a piece of yellow corn off the table "she's in the band with Eddie, of course they're going to hang out" Robin hummed in response "Oh shit she's looking at me" Robin quickly hid her face with her arms when Clair made eye contact at their table "She stopped" Cheryl's elbow hit Robin's side, making her look up.

"Why were you hiding?" Cheryl asked the teen, her eyebrow raised "Uh-" robin's face flustered "You like her?" Robin denied it "no! As a friend- yes shes cool but like that? uh no!" Cheryl's mouth was in a straight line, she knew Robin was lying "Clair is 100% into girls" Robin sighed "you think she is?" Robin looked over at her blonde friend "Look at her clothes, dude. It's pretty obvious" "Just because she wears all black, black eyeliner doesn't mean she digs chicks"

"You know what Steve told me? He told me Clair paused it at fast times too." One time, Cheryl and Steve were talking about how Robin should get with Clair since they would be a great match, then he brought up that she paused the movie at the right time. "Maybe Eddie paused it at that time?" Cheryl rolled her eyes, her stomach began to growl in hunger "I'm going to call Steve, do you want something?" Robin nodded her head "please!" She begged "okay."

Cheryl walked to the office "may I use a phone?" She asked the lady at the front desk "why do you need to use it?" She looked up, her glasses slightly on her nose bridge "I need to call my... mom." The older woman slid her chair to the black phone, she moved it to Cheryl "there you go" The woman got up from the chair to give Cheryl some privacy.

Her finger tapped the numbers of the movie store he worked at, "hello?"  Keith answered the phone "Hi Keith, is Steve there?" Cheryl asked the man, a bag crinkling on the other side "yes he is. Steve!" Keith shouted for his name "What dude?!" Steve complained "Your girlfriend wants you" Steve snatched the phone from his Co-worker  "Hey Cheryl" Steve smiled "Hi Steve- I was wondering if you can buy me food..?" She didn't want to ask Steve for food, but she was starving. "Uh- let me see if I have money" She heard Steve looking through his wallet "Okay- what do you want?" "Two hamburgers.. Robin wants one." "Is Burger King fine?" Cheryl hummed "be there in a minute. Love you" Steve hung the phone up

A few minutes later, Steve came inside the building with two brown paper bags in his hands with the burger king logo "that was fast" Cheryl walked over to her boyfriend "I heard your stomach growling on the phone." Steve handed the two bags over to her "Sorry for calling you for food" Cheryl looked down at her pink shoes "hey- no need to be sorry. The food here is shit." Cheryl chuckled at his statement, which was true "have you seen the mashed potatoes? It's gooey and gross." Steve's face scrunched up in disgust while imagining it "Robin nearly puked" "Tell Robin she needs to pay me back. That whopper was a dollar." Cheryl nodded her head "Will do!" She saluted him.

Steve looked down at his watch that was on his wrist "I gotta go before Keith gets on my ass." He looked up at his girlfriend "see you soon?" Cheryl nodded her head with a smile, Steve took a step closer and kissed her glossy lips "I love you" Steve said when he pulled away from the short kiss "I love you too" She smiled at him. 

𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐄𝐍; 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐨𝐧 (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now