Chapter 6

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A full week passed before I was able to visit my favorite diner. I was starting to get frustrated with all the responsibilities that kept getting in my way.

The coffee that they made at the station didn't stand a single chance against the cup Juliette makes me.

Happily, I opened up the rickety door and heard the familiar bell jingle.

I spotted her almost instantly and raised my hand, ready to greet her. That was until in the blink of an eye she rushed at me and suddenly she was wrapped around me, hugging me tightly.

"Oh my god! You scared me, Alastor, where have you been?!"

It took me a moment to recover, and I was extremely confused. Had the week really felt that long to her?

"What do you mean, dear?"

I chuckled and pulled her away to look at her, but my smile nearly fell when I saw the tears threatening to spill down her face. Her cheeks were red, she was so upset.

Before I could ask what happened, she told me.

"The night you walked me home there was another murder... the paper said they found a man dead and- and I... they didn't give a description, and I knew you were out late, I-I was just worried..."

The more she rambled the more upset she became, so I very quickly, and as gently as I could, tried to comfort her.

I took her face in my hands and tilted her head to look up at me. Her reddened cheeks and teary eyes were not a happy sight, and I wanted to fix it immediately. After all, I'd caused her anguish.

"Hey, there's no need for tears, sweetheart... I'm here, I'm just fine. I promise. You don't need to worry about me, I'm able to hold my own."

I reassured her with a smile and wiped a tear that managed to fall. To be honest, I didn't realize she cared about me so deeply.

It made a strange tangle of emotion form in my chest, and I didn't have time to untangle it at the moment, so I shoved it down.

She finally started to calm down, much to my relief, and took a deep breath.

She sniffled and then chuckled, putting her hands over mine, closing her eyes.

At that moment, it felt like electricity shot up my arms and my heart started beating faster. My brows furrowed in confusion. My body is having odd reactions today.

"I suppose I was being a bit silly... it just frightened me to think it may have been you. You're my favorite customer after all."

She opened her eyes and smiled at me, then she stepped back and let go of my hands.

"I'll get your coffee started."

I watched her walk back towards the brewing station and rubbed my knuckles where she'd touched me.



I spent a longer time in the diner than usual today since I'd come on my day off.

When Juliette took her break, she came and sat with me. Her and I chatted like usual, and I couldn't help but pester her a little bit as well.

It was always cute when she would stick her tongue out at me. That's how I know I've officially annoyed her.

After she went back to work, I stayed a while longer and read the paper while I had another cup of coffee.

When the bell jingled, I didn't look up. People had come and gone while I was here all the time.

Then, something caught my attention. A voice addressing Juliette.

"Hey Jules! I heard you were working here, I had to come see for myself!"

Looking up, I saw a man standing at the bar, leaning against it and smiling at my little waitress.

Juliette smiled and seemed happy to see him. My teeth grit and I sat my paper down.

Who the fuck is he? I've never seen him before.

"Gabriel? Oh my goodness, it's good to see you! How have you been?"

The two of them struck up a conversation, and I don't know why it bothered me so much but I couldn't stand it.

I kept imagining painting the walls with his blood and spilling his guts on the floor. My eye twitched and my fingers drummed against the table until I couldn't take it anymore.

Swiftly, I stood up and headed over to the bar.

Juliette's gaze shifted to me which caused the stranger to turn his head my was as well. I sent him a quick glare and then smiled at Juliette.

"Oh, Gabe! This is Alastor, he shows up throughout the week and keeps me company. Alastor, this is Gabriel! He's a childhood friend of mine."

Ah. A nuisance.

I sharped my smile and turned towards him, holding out my hand.


He seemed to catch on to my intention and returned his own steely glare, probably trying to intimidate me. How adorable. I'll rip him apart and eat his pathetic soul.


He took my hand and I made sure to tighten my grip enough to see his jaw tighten as he fought to hold back whatever sound of pain wanted to escape.

Then I let go and Juliette let out a slightly awkward chuckle.

"Uh... well I'm glad you two got to meet."

Gabriel looked me up and down and then turned back to Juliette, flashing a smile at her that made my eye twitch again.

"Me as well! Any friend of yours is a friend of mine."

He really has no idea who he's challenging.

I don't know what these feelings are towards this woman, but I won't be letting any regular run of the rink bastard take her attention away from me.

"Juliette, my dear, I've been meaning to ask you a question."

I got her attention and she gave me a cute little clueless smile.


"I was wondering if you'd accompany me to a club tonight. There will be lots of dancing and live music, it'll be a gas!"

I felt accomplished when I saw the nuisance clench his fist.

Juliette practically lit up like a star. Her eyes twinkled and she leaned forward.

"Really? I mean... well, yes! I'd love to accompany you..."

She was equal parts excited and bashful and I shot a quick smug glance towards Gabriel.

He scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Well, I wish you the best Jules. Have fun tonight, and be safe. I must be going."

It took all my will not to say a snarky remark as he left, but I managed.

Nothing feels better than putting someone in their place.

Not only that, but now I have a proper excuse to dissect these odd feelings.

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