Chapter 18

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Haunted's cover got a facelift so if y'all didn't see the update over there, here it is🥳 this took about 1 hour in total from start to finish, which is crazy because I remember making the first cover took me like... 3 or 4 hours? Wild.


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Adjusting to life with Alastor was much easier than I first anticipated.

It's not like I believed it would be hard, but it was as if we'd always been living with one another.

I didn't feel like an intruder, or like I didn't belong. My prior worries of living with him had been washed away, and every single day was a brand new adventure.

No, being around him constantly wasn't the issue.

It was the nighttime.

At night, when we retire to our rooms, I'm left to sit alone in the dark with only my thoughts to keep me company.

And though I may be feeling better, I'm still not the same as I was. My brain plagues me with guilt, and brings me suffering in the form of parasitic thoughts that leech off my already fragile psyche.

They tell me I'm pitiful.

That I have no right to be alive.

Reminding me I'm just a weak little girl that couldn't even protect her own parents. The people that raised me, and made me into the woman I am today.

If only I'd noticed mother's sickness sooner...

Or if I'd been able to see father's spiraling sadness through my own...

Maybe I'd still have one, if not both of them here with me.

These are the kind of thoughts that creep into my mind without Alastor to chase them away.

And they follow me into my matter where I go to escape these exhausting phantoms, they always prevail.

Most nights I wake up, covered in sweat and breathing as if I'd run for miles.

But tonight...

I woke up to the feeling of hands on my shoulders, my body violently thrashing as I screamed and grabbed onto whatever nightmare monster was holding me down.


That voice... I know that voice...


The Day We Met (Alastor x OC)Where stories live. Discover now