Chapter 17

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"Alastor, are you sure you can carry all of that?"

I looked on in concern as he lugged all my bags out to his car, holding one in each hand as well as one on his shoulder.

He simply laughed at my concern as he opened the storage compartment in his vehicle with his foot, plopping my luggage inside.

"Don't doubt a man's strength, my dear."

He smirked at me and I rolled my eyes, smiling as I walked over to him.

I had tried to carry my own bags, or at least one of them, but they had been promptly swiped away from me.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were showboating for me, Alastor."

I teased him and he barked out another laugh before bending down to be practically nose to nose with me.

"Me?! No."

I snorted and giggled softly, poking him in the chest.

"Uh, you? yes."

He stuck his tongue out at me, and I gasped, throwing my hand over my chest and clutching my metaphorical pearls.

"Alastor, how vulgar!"

I accused him with a smile, knowing he only did that to mock how I am when I'm annoyed.

He simply laughed and then escorted me around to the passenger side of the car, opening the door and helping me step up and inside.

To me, being inside a vehicle was still such a strange luxury. I never figured I'd get to ride inside such a fancy machine.

Once he'd gotten in as well, we were off and I watched through the window as my house slowly grew smaller and smaller into the distance.

A bit of sadness tugged at my heart as I watched it disappear into the dust.

"It'll still be there, my dear... they'll still be there."

My eyes widened slightly and I turned to face Alastor. He glanced at me with a gentle smile.

"We can always come and check on it whenever you feel it's needed."

I smiled at him and nodded before looking back out the window.

The sun shining in through it felt warm on my skin, and I sighed softly.

The Day We Met (Alastor x OC)Where stories live. Discover now