Chapter 26

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I'm not sure how long I sat there holding her.

My legs had gone numb and her skin had grown cold.

No matter how long I waited, her eyes remained open and lifeless, growing dull and grey.

A large part of me was in denial. She couldn't be dead. I didn't kill her.

No, I didn't.

I didn't... I wouldn't... why won't she wake up...

It wasn't until I could hear voices outside my house that I snapped out of my daze, my head turning to the front door. I could see flashlights shining outside and through my windows.

My eyes widened and I looked back to Juliette.

Pulling her close to me, I stumbled slightly as I tried to push up off the floor.

"Don't worry...don't worry, my dear, I won't let them touch you..."

I mumbled to her, holding onto the stair banister as the blood rushed back to my legs, making them wobble.

The voices were close, and I knew my door would be knocked down within the next few minutes.

So, I went to the back door, cradling my love in my arms as if she were simply sleeping.

I left a trail of blood in my passing, causing my home to look like a crime scene. In a way, it was.

Once I'd stumbled out of the house, I didn't look back, instead heading straight into the forest and hoping that they wouldn't catch up to me.

Distantly, I heard the sounds of police dogs.

Ah, so they anticipated I'd run. That makes sense, but annoyed me nonetheless.

The harder my blood pumped through my veins, the faster my legs ran.

It was dark, and cold, and I couldn't see properly where I was going but I didn't care.

I need to protect her. I need to escape. Once we're alone, everything will be better. Back to the way it was.

We'll read by the fire and make dinner together.

I'll pick her up at the diner, and she'll make my coffee the way she always does. Perfectly.

Harder, my feet slammed harder into the snowy ground and my breath came in bursts, my lungs burning.

I was completely turned around, and I had no idea where I was. Stopping, I looked around aimlessly for any indicator of where I was.

I'd been running for who knows how long, trying to put distance between me and those hunting dogs.

Finally, my eyes landed on a familiar structure. It was difficult to tell, since it was covered in snow, but I was almost positive I could see the entrance to the place Juliette took me when she confessed her feelings for me.

I stared for a moment, wondering if that would be a good place to go. Then, I heard the distant sounds of barking once more, and that alone made my decision for me, driving me forward.

I pushed through the wall of snow-covered ivy leaves, falling through just as I thought I would.

My breaths still came ragged, and I clumsily stumbled into the hidden spot. Everything was either covered in snow, or dull and dead from the cold of the season.

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