Chapter 21

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I posted a little 1 second animation that took me 20 minutes on my Twitter and that shit is my most liked post😭😭


When Alastor had presented me with my mother's ring, I couldn't hold back my feelings any longer.

I was so in love with him, it was ridiculous. It was endless. My love for him could keep going until past the furthest planet in our solar system, and then some.

He has been there for me relentlessly through every heartache and quarrel... I don't know what would have become of me without him.

Now that I'm an engaged woman once more, I am so happy. I had always loved the idea of being a bride, and when my husband was killed I thought God had decided that wasn't what he wanted for me...

But it appears that's not so!

After so long of my life feeling miserable and dull, I can finally feel the warmth of the sun again, and hear the birds singing.

I would show everyone that cared to let me how pretty my ring was. Before long, half the town knew that we were engaged.

Today, I'm actually going up to work with Alastor. He asked me to come to the radio station with him for the first time, and I'm both nervous and excited.

I was wearing my best dress and my mother's pearl jewelry, which was a necklace and earrings, along with the hat that Alastor bought me.

This is the first time I'm meeting Alastor's co-workers. Not only meeting them, but being introduced as his fiancée.

Fiancée fiancée fiancée!

I'm his fiancée!

That thought made the smile on my face increase tenfold and I did a twirl in front of the mirror just as Alastor came out of the bathroom.

Turning to face him, I immediately froze and then threw my hand over my eyes.


He started to laugh at my reaction, and I could feel my blood gathering in my face.

That asshole had come out of his bathroom wearing a towel around his waist and nothing else!

I heard his steps approach me until he was directly in front of me. Slowly, I removed my hand from my eyes and did my best to keep them away from his midsection, despite how much I wanted to steal a little glance.

His eyes were amused, the shit eating smile on his face making my blood boil.

My cheeks puffed up and I pouted up at him.

"What, my dear?"

He couldn't even get the words out without laughing.

"We're to be wed are we not? Perhaps I should drop the towel as well—"

His hands went to his waist where the towel was secured, and before I could even think my hands also went to the towel as well to keep him from embarrassing me further.

However, that backfired on me completely as he lost his balance out of surprise, then proceeded to tumble to the floor, taking me with him.

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