Chapter 14

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Idk if this posted properly last chapter, but here's a drawing

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Idk if this posted properly last chapter, but here's a drawing.


I'm starting to worry.

Every day this week I've stopped by the diner, and she hasn't been there. I would speak briefly with the owner, but that didn't answer any of my questions.

All the old woman would tell me is that she was needed at her home, and she'd return soon.

This didn't satisfy me. I didn't like not knowing if she was alright, it made something tug at my heart that I couldn't shake.

Today marks the seventh day that I haven't seen her at work or otherwise.

"Alasta, dalrin', what's on ya mind? Ya just sittin' there poutin'."

I looked over at Mimzy. I'd come to her club for a quick drink before she opened as to not deal with the crowd.

Sighing, I swirled the amber liquid in my glass.

"Juliette... she's been absent from work all week and it's bothering me..."

Mimzy leaned towards me and rested her chin in her hand, smirking at me.

"Oh my, Alasta, you fancy this girl? In all the time I known you, you've neva gave two shits about anything that ain't ya work."

I glared at her and threw back my whisky, feeling it burn my throat as it went down.

She just laughed and leaned back away from me, cocking her head to the side with a snort.

"Let alone fancyin' any old broad that gives you a pretty smile. Do you think she may be in trouble or sumthin'?"

Looking at the eccentric woman I released a sigh and dropped my head into my hand, shaking it in exasperation.

"I don't know. I don't think so? But, that's not here nor there. What I'm worried about is why she hasn't sent word or left a message or..."

My words fell off and I tapped my finger against the counter. Mimzy's smile had grown a bit softer and she seemed to realize something.

"Oh... you really do care about her, don't you?"

My lips pursed together in a thin smile that was barely keeping up at the edges, my eyes downcast.

I felt like a fool.

She's probably fine and I'm being dramatic for no reason, stressing over nothing at all like a dimwitted adolescent.

"Do you know where she lives?"

I looked up and tilted my head.


"Why not go pay ha' a visit then? Just check up on her."

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