Chapter 16

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Would you guys still read my books if I were a worm? 🥺


The numb feeling is back.

This time, however, I can barely bring myself to pretend.

I wasn't even really sure how much time had passed, or what day of the week it was usually.

Most of my time was spent working, just to avoid going back to an empty house.

Alastor still visited me, but unlike before his visits weren't brightening up my day like they used to...I had nothing to look forward to, anymore.

No warm hugs when I walked in the door.

No home cooked meals, made by mother.

The way I make it just isn't the same...

No encouraging words from daddy.

Just a silent, creaky old house.

When something breaks, I just leave it. I don't know how to fix it, nor do I have the energy to try.

My brain paddled back and forth between being angry and being numb. Some days I'm just furious because of the situation I'm in.

What have I done? What have I done so wrong that I deserved losing both of my parents? Why is it so unfair?

When I look in the mirror, the woman staring back at me isn't myself. She's dull, and grey, and sunken.

My clothes hang off my body because I find it hard to eat. For some reason, I just can't pull myself out of bed to do so. The result has been as you'd expect.

I wish I could find the will in me to care again...


My glazed eyes focused on the person across the from me.

Oh, yea. Alastor's here.

I forced a small smile and sat up a bit straighter.

"Yes, Al?"

The look of concern on his face was something I've become familiar with. Everyone looks at me like that recently.

He reached out towards me, offering his hand.

I took it, and felt his thumb rub across my knuckles carefully, as if he were handling a chipped porcelain doll.

"Darling... I'm beginning to worry about you... have you been eating?"

His voice was dripping with concern, but I just felt annoyed.

I just wish everyone would leave me alone... or at least stop looking at me like I'm some pitiful, injured creature.

I pulled my hand from his and looked off to the side with a soft scowl.

"I'm fine, Alastor."

His hand remained where it was before he slowly pulled it back towards himself, resigning the offer.

"As much as I'd love to believe that's true, sweetheart, I have eyes. I can tell you're lying."

He's right. Anyone with eyes could see that I'm not okay, but I didn't care.

I could wither away and simply become dust, blowing freely in the wind.

Maybe then the pain will stop.

He reached back towards me after I didn't respond, and I turned away from him and stood up.

"I need to get back to work."

The Day We Met (Alastor x OC)Where stories live. Discover now