Chapter 11

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Ever since I found out about Alastor, I don't know how to feel.

Part of me feels closer to him than ever before, but there's another part that's screaming at me to stop being dumb.

He's a serial killer, and is still actively committing murders.

But then I look around at this place... my home that I grew up in, and something just feels... better.

There are more smiles, and people don't even seem bothered by the murders anymore... criminals, cheats, rapists, violent alcoholics, all being cleaned off the streets at the hands of a wolf in sheep's clothing.

A wolf that comes to my diner, and buys me flowers... a wolf that sings to me in the park, and dances with me.

A wolf that eats dinner at my house, with my parents... and makes me laugh with stupid jokes.

I don't know how I end up in the situations that I find myself in. My life always feels like some sort of fluctuating tragic comedy, and I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

Sighing, I smoothed back my hair and continued cleaning the counters.

How many months has it been since we met now? Five? Maybe seven?

Time has felt like it's gone by so fast.

I still don't even really know all that much about him... goofiness aside, he's extremely mysterious, and selective of the things he's willing to tell me.

"Juliette, sweetie?"

Looking over, I see Ms. Melinda standing in the entry to the kitchen. Her eyes were looking at me with gentle resolve, and she tilted her head.

"What's bothering you, darling? You've been cleaning that spot for 10 minutes now..."

My eyes went back to the spot I'd been shining and I sighed again and tossed the towel onto the counter, defeated.

"I don't know... I feel so guilty all the time, and I feel like I'm... making the wrong decision? But also not..."

Her expression shifted to one of mild understanding and she approached me.

"Is this about that young man that visits here just to see you?"

Heat traveled up my neck, making my collar feel too tight.

"He doesn't...ugh, yes..."

I couldn't look at her, embarrassed. I'm a grown woman, I shouldn't be having trivial school girl troubles about boys.

I'm meant to have been a wife and a mother by now, settled down and raising my children in a nice family home. Why do I have to be so damn complicated?

Ms. Melinda lead me to a table and sat me down.

"Well then, tell me. What is it that's got you feeling guilty?"

I can't tell you. Not the whole truth, anyway.

"He's just... I don't know, Ms. Milly... I can't tell how he feels about me. He brings me gifts, and keeps me company, but he's so... mysterious and secluded."

"Have you tried asking him, dear?"

"About what?"


I blinked, and internally slapped myself. How could I be so stupid when the answer is right there in bold letters.

But if I asked, would he answer?

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