Chapter 31

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I feel like I'm slowly rotting away from the inside out.

Each moment I spend on my own, knowing she's merely a walk down the hall away from me, I can't help but grow irate.

She was the last person I was expecting to walk through the doors with Charlie, and as much as I expected her reaction it's still so frustrating.

Any attempt at conversation with her is shut down immediately, and ever since that day in the garden she won't even remain in the same room as me.

Seeing that she had a child now made me feel...odd.

I'm not upset, at least I don't think I am... but the way the little imp child looks at me makes a tight feeling gather in my chest.

She sticks close by her mother, only giving me curious glances every now and then, and part of me wishes I'd been there... we tried multiple times to have a child, and she ended up doing the very thing we wished to do together all on her own.

91 years I've been without her... though, I kept an eye on her.

Once I realized she was in hell, my first thought was to go to her, but... I suppose I'm a bit of a coward at the end of the day.

The coldness she's showing me is precisely what I was worried about to begin with.

My claws tapped against my desk, the light inside my radio tower growing dim as the hours passed by in a blur.

Will she ever find it in her heart to forgive me... is there anything to be done? Can I undo this critical damage?

When I close my eyes I can still see her face. Feel the cold, the pain...

My brows furrowed as that night flashed behind my eyelids, haunting me and sewing the stitches of guilt even deeper into my core.

There was a screech as my nails broke through the metal on my desk, and I opened my eyes and sighed before standing up.

Heading out of my tower, I traveled through the shadows to my room so that I wouldn't risk interacting with anyone in this state.

Once I was safely in my dwelling, I conjured up a cup of coffee and went out onto my balcony, sitting down and sipping my warm beverage as I tried to calm my anxious nerves.

However, that was short lived before a familiar war ship started to creep over the horizon.

My eyelids fell and I nearly broke my cup as annoyance crept up my spine at the insistent pestering of this snake demon that can't seem to take the hint that he will never best me in battle.

Sighing, I sat and put my mask on, waiting for him to make his first move.

Which just happened to be blowing a gaping hole into the front of the hotel.

After patiently waiting for him to realize I was literally right in front of him, I smoothly transported down to the ground where Charlie and Angel stood.

Smiling up at him, my hands remained behind my back.

He threw threats out at me, but I honestly couldn't care less. If anything, he's just a play toy to me at this point.

I needed to let out a bit of steam anyway, so I just messed with him and busted up his ship, ignoring Charlie as she attempted to tell me that he's had enough.

That is, until my ear twitched when I heard a familiar annoyed sigh and voice.

"Alastor, stop harassing the poor man. He's had enough."

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