Chapter 8

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In the following weeks after Alastor and I danced together, he continued to frequent the diner. He was somehow much more talkative, and an incredibly hyper man.

He pestered me in my every free moment and made me laugh even more.

Though, a dark cloud had seemed to fall over our town... murders became more frequent and more violent. The police put out a curfew and advised people to lock their doors at night and during the day.

It was actually beginning to weigh on my mind quite a lot, and I hadn't even noticed until Alastor beamed me in the forehead with a crumpled piece of paper and snapped me out of my daze.


I rubbed my forehead and glared at him, while he only gave me a cheeky smile in return.

"What happened, dear?"

I rolled up a newspaper and approached him quickly.

"Oh, I'll show you what happened you little pest!"

His eyes widened and he backed up against the wall of his booth, holding his hands out to protect himself against the several smacks I gave him.

After I'd gotten my revenge I groaned and slumped into the seat across from him, looking out the window with a forlorn gaze.

"What's the matter, my darling...?"

He actually seemed sincere in asking and when I looked at him, he looked concerned.

"You haven't been smiling as much lately... has something happened?"

I looked at him a moment and then sighed, crossing my arms in a makeshift hug around myself.

"No... well, I suppose, but... it's just the murders... I'm so worried, because they're happening so frequently, and it... I'm just worried... about you, and about daddy... you're both out late sometimes, and I hate thinking about—"

Alastor reached over and held his hand out to me. I took it and let my eyes fall to my lap, a tear slipping off my lashes and down my face.

"I'm sorry... I just can't lose anyone else..."

"Juliette, look at me..."

I looked up and he squeezed my hand lightly, his eyes both intense and soft. It was rare he had serious moments like this.

"There is nothing to worry about... I promise... I can take care of myself, and your father is strong as an ox. Any murderer would pee his own pants before messing with him, I swear it."

Part of me was wondering how he could be so sure, but the reassurance felt nice. I gave him a small smile.

"Thank you, Alastor... just be careful, for me, okay?"

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