Chapter 29

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I woke up suddenly to the feeling of our entire home rumbling, bits of dust and roof falling around us.

Sitting up, I gasped and looked around. Just then, Ava came stumbling into the room, crying and rushing towards me.

Quickly I picked her up, wondering what was going on when another rumble nearly knocked me off my feet.

Earthquake?! No... that doesn't happen, so then...

Suddenly our windows shattered and Ava screamed, hiding her face in my neck as I stared at the carnage outside with widened eyes.

Turf war.

My chest coiled with fear and I wondered why this was happening. I thought this area was supposed to be safe from turf wars?!

My heart began to beat faster as I quickly ran for the door. I just need to get out! I can save us, I just need to—

Another explosion caused the entire side of our apartment to cave in and fall away, revealing the absolute chaos that was happening outside.

Some humongous war machine was shooting cannon beams, and there were explosion going off everywhere.

My throat started to close and my eyes burned as I cradled Ava against my chest.

What do I do... what do I do!

If I get hurt, I can just regenerate, but if she gets hurt...

I started to tremble, the sound of her crying filling my head as I remembered the day I found her...

It was right after an extermination, four years ago now.

I had been out, wondering what would become of me in this hellbent afterlife. Sometimes I wondered if I should simply lay on the ground and let the angels have me...

Then, I heard a little cry as I passed an alleyway...

My ears pricked, and I had wondered down to see what it was, and the noise led me to a dumpster.

Looking into it, I gasped in horror when I saw an itty bitty infant imp, crying her poor little heart out.

Immediately I reached in, taking her into my hands and holding her close to my chest. She was so tiny I couldn't even cradle her.

Who would do such a thing? How could someone just dump such a sweet little creature like she was trash?

From that day forward, I became her mother... I vowed to protect her with my life.

Gritting my teeth, I felt my claws grow as any lights that weren't already out started to flicker.

With a yell, I slammed my fist against the wall and everything around us froze in place. Falling pieces of brick stayed in the air, and the rumbling stopped.

Immediately I felt drained. I don't use my powers, so even exerting them slightly causes me to feel weak.

But I didn't care.

I needed to make it out of here before my time ran out. I can get her to safety, I know I can.

I have lost every single person I have ever loved, but god dammit, not her too!

Despite my trembling hands, I held onto Ava and ran, feeling myself be drained more and more by the second.

We were nearly to the bottom level of the building when pieces of rock started to fall again, slowly breaking free of my hold.

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