Chapter 1

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To kick off this book I will be updating two chapters today.  Hope you all enjoy it!



My feet skid to a halt in front of the snarling monster. "You shouldn't be here."

The beast, far too gone, hisses at me, revealing sharp, bloody fangs.

"You creatures disgust me. But do you know what disgusts me even more?" As I distract the bloodsucker with my voice, my hand creeps towards one of my guns in my holster. "You're brethren. Beings like you are mindless, but your brethren, they know exactly what they're doing when they kill. And they love it. As for you, I feel sorry for you. How about I put you out of your misery?"

My fingers grasp on to the black leather grip of my gun. In one swift movement I whip it out, cock it, and pull the trigger. The monster shrieks, a sound so piercing anyone within radius will cover their ears. I, however am used to it.

Dramatically the monster falls to the ground, with one final twitch it falls dead. I trudge forward and kick the beast with my black combat boot just to be sure. When there's no movement I deem it dead, dead as a doorknob.

Lightly blowing on the tip of my gun, I slip it back into my holster. A dead vampire is far better than an alive one.

"Now, excuse me, but you made me late to my meeting. I hate being late."

With one final kick to the vampire corpse's side I climb down the fire escape of the building I chased the vampire up and drop to the pavement below.

My combat boots barely make a light thump as they meet the ground. It's to be expected, silence is a good weapon. One that's taken me years to perfect.

I push my short, dark brown hair out of my silver eyes before taking off down the street.

Thankfully it doesn't take me long to reach the building where the meeting is being held. However, I'm still five minutes tardy. I silently curse under my breath as I enter the Vampire Hunter Association building. It isn't the main one, but one of many scattered across the globe. The Hunter's have their claws sunk in just about everywhere.

I climb up the intricately carved stone steps of the large building and make my way inside the spinning glass doors. This particular building's cover's as an insurance agency. It's one of the fancier residences for sure.

"I'm Hitomi Yamaguchi." I state to the red headed secretary at the front desk.

She pushes her glasses up her nose as her eyes slide over a list of names on a clipboard in front of her. "Ah, yes. Third door on the left, Miss Yamaguchi."

"Thank you." I bow my head slightly before following the secretary's directions to the third door.

"You're late, Yamaguchi."

I shut the door behind me. "Apologies." There is no need to explain myself. I don't like to make excuses.

"I suppose that's alright. We have our other attendant late as well. Take a seat."

"I'll stand, thank you." I say, leaning up against one of the plain walls.

It doesn't take long for a tall man to bumble through the door. I can't help but notice that he doesn't get reprimanded for his tardiness.

The leader of this branch of Hunter's, Tskune Makishima, is the first to speak. "Hitomi Yamaguchi meet Kaien Cross. Mr. Cross, meet Yamaguchi."

The tall blond man offers me his hand in greeting, I tip my head in a simple bow instead. "Well met, Cross."

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