Chapter 28

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This chapter will also be in 3rd point of view, but will be centered around Eri instead of Kaien. Also, this is a shorter chapter, so apologies for that.  Thanks that's all!


Eri's P.O.V.

Eri's silver eyes slowly flutter open to reveal her unfamiliar surroundings.

Above her is a ceiling of snow white and the walls imprisoning her are a soft shade of lilac.  Bundled around her small form is a soft and beautiful white duvet stitched with colorful patterns of different kinds of flowers.  Eri sits up in the comfortable bed, quickly looking side to side in confusion.

Wh-where, where am I?

As if hearing her movement, a man walks in through the sturdy white wooded door.

Eri's eyes widen and she quickly scoots back in the bed as far as she can, to the point where she is scrunched up against the purple cushion of the bed's headboard.

The handsome man smiles, his orange eyes catching in the light.  "Hello, Eri.  You've grown up so much.  You're beginning to look a lot like your mother."

Eri looks at the man quizzically.  Aunt Yumi and Uncle Daiki always warned her about strangers, but if he's a stranger then how does he know her name and who her mommy is?

The curly black-haired man walks closer, causing Eri to shrink in fear. Seeing her fear, the man pauses and offers her a kind smile. "Shh, don't be scared Eri. I would never hurt you."

"Wh-who are you?" Eri asks, trembling.

She wants daddy Kaien and her mommy, her mommy would protect her.

The man sighs and shakes his head sadly. "It is unfortunate that you don't know who I am, Eri. I've been waiting for so long to see you, I even made up this room just for you. Do you like it?"

Eri looks around at the plush snowy carpet and the toys all stacked and set up neatly around the room and slowly bobs her head.

The man grins. "I'm very glad you do, Eri. That makes me so happy to hear." He says.

Eri hadn't noticed, but as he was talking he had walked closer. So close that his knees brush against the end of the bed.

Eri only just now realizes his proximity as he grabs a fluffy stuffed animal from the bay window and hands it to her.  Tentatively, Eri takes the stuffed pink bunny and holds it to her chest. It helps to ease her fear some.

"Very good, Eri." The man smiles, taking a seat at the end of the bed. "It's good to see you're  better. How was your rest?"

Despite not being as scared as she was, Eri looks at the man suspiciously. "Where am I?"

Amusement flashes within the man's orange eyes. "You are at my home and this is your room."


"Yes." The man nods. "Your room, but this room is not the only thing that is yours. This whole house is yours."

Eri's silver eyes widen in wonder. "Really? It's all mine?"

"Yes. Well, ours." The handsome man corrects. "And your mother's too."

"My mommy's....?"

"Yes, your mommy's too." He chuckles

Eri looks around. "Where's mommy? Where is Aunt Yumi, Uncle Daiki, Kiku, Soshi, Yuto, Rento, and Daddy Kaien?" Eri asks, looking around as if they'd all pop out from one of the piles of stuffed animals.

The man's eyes flash dangerously as Eri says the last name, but the little girl doesn't seem to notice.

"Your Aunt, Uncle and their children are on a vacation and then they're going to move away.  But don't worry, Eri.  You'll have your mother and I."

Glistening tears fill Eri's eyes. "They're gone?  Without me?  What about Daddy Kaien?"

The man's eyes once again turn dangerous for a moment.  "Kaien Cross is going to go on a vacation soon too." He says.  "And then he'll move away as well."

The tears begin to slide down Eri's cheeks and fall on to the beautiful comforter.

My family, they're all...gone?

"Shh, it's okay, Eri."  The man says, wiping away Eri's wet tears.  "You still have your mother and I."

"My mommy?  Wh-where is she?"

"She'll be here very soon.  I promise."

Eri's lip quivers.  "Go away, I want my mommy!"

"Eri, you don't want me here?" He asks with faux hurt. "But I'm your father." He picks up a strand of her curly black hair and then shows her a strand of his own curly black hair.  "See?  You may take more after your mother, but you're my daughter too."

Eri compares the two strands of hair in awe. 

This is my daddy?

A flash of a memory flies through her head.  The memory of Kaien telling her to call him Daddy.

Eri scoots away from the man. "You're not my daddy! I only have one daddy and that's daddy Kaien!"

"Eri." The man says, a dark undertone in his calm, velvety voice.

"No!" Eri shouts.

"Eri." He repeats.

"No, no, no! You're not my daddy!"

The man's eyes glow sinisterly, but Eri doesn't seem to care.  Like her mother, she has a stubborn, untamable spirit.

"I don't know who you are!  But my mommy and daddy Kaien will come and get me!  And when they do, they'll beat you up!"

"Will they now?" The man chuckles darkly.

Eri bobs her head. "Yeah!"

"Hm.  We'll see." At that the man stands and goes to the door to leave.  However, before he goes he turns and offers Eri one last wicked grin.  "I'll be back soon, Eri.  Be a good girl when I'm gone, okay?"

Eri stays silent, glaring at the man that said he was her father, angrily.

At his daughter's contemptuous gaze, the man laughs and then leaves the room once and for all.

As soon as he leaves Eri throws herself on to the bed and buries her face in the pink bunny's soft, fluffy fur and cries. Cries for her mommy and daddy Kaien and for the family she hasn't yet realized she'd lost.

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