Chapter 12

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Whooo, yay! I was able to update! And guess what else? There will be another update either next week or in a couple of days.  I'm so happy:)

Alrighty guys, so this chapter will be a mix between flashback and Hitomi and Kaien's conversation. As per usual in most books the flashbacks will be written in italic. And of course the rest will be in its normal font. 

To those of you who don't like flashbacks I apologize, but it will mostly just be the two talking so it won't be too bad.

Please comment your thoughts and critique of the story so far in the comments!  I always love feedback so don't be afraid to tell me if you don't like something about my story or if something is annoying or bothering you about it. 

I aim to improve as a writer so this kind of help is appreciated greatly.  Thanks that's all!



Kaien looks surprised for a moment. "You will?"

I nod. "Yes, if only to show you just how wrong you are."

Kaien does not object to these words and so I continue.

"I was born into the Yamaguchi family of vampire hunters. However, my parents did not want my sister and I to lose our childhood over training and regimen. They wanted becoming a vampire hunter to be our choice. And so--"

"Wait." Kaien interrupts rudely. "Sister?"

I swallow the lump in my throat. "Yes, sister.  Her name was Eri."

"Like your daughter's name?"

"Yes, now stop interrupting!" I snap, nails digging into my palm as I hold the memories at bay.


"As I was saying, they wanted becoming a vampire hunter to be our choice. We lived a happy life. Now, Eri and I weren't twins --she was a year younger than me-- but we might as well had been. We did everything together, we were two halves of a whole. She was the sweet one and I was the feisty troublemaker." Kaien smiles at my description, but I don't stop to send him a look because if I stop now I'll fall apart.

"She kept me in check and no matter how mean I was she never once was mean to me. So, we lived a carefree life until I was ten years old. That is when we were asked the question..."

"Sweet, Spice." My father said to Sweet (Eri) and I (Spice).

"Yes, Papa?" We answered in unison.

"Your mother and I have an important question to ask the both of you. As you know we are both retired vampire hunters. We would like to ask you if you would like to train to be hunters like we were."

"Yes! I want to be just like you and make you proud!" Eri answered the same time I said "no."

We looked at each other, eyes wide. We rarely ever disagreed on anything, especially something this important. She wanted to be like our parents and make them proud while I didn't want anything to do with it. But still seeing her surprised and almost puppy-dog-eyed expression made my resolution crumble.

"Okay, I guess I'll try."

"Soon after that my father and mother set up a training and teaching schedule for us." I say. "I hated it. I was a terrible student and I knew it. I didn't understand anything and I hated being told what to do. Eri, though was soaring. She was a natural born leader and hunter. Strong, confident, brave, careful, and above all kind, that was my sister." I say, remembering her before....everything happened.

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