Chapter 24

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"Hitomi!" Kaien bangs desperately on my locked door.

Startled from sleep I bolt out of bed and hastily unlock my door. As soon as the lock clicks Kaien slams open the door looking at me with wild, exhausted eyes and matted blond hair.

"What the hell is your problem?!" I fume, pushing back strands of my short dark hair out of my face. "It's the middle of the night!"

Kaien ignores me and pushes past me into my room, tossing me my holster and boots. "Quickly Hitomi. There has been another fire a couple miles from the last one. If we don't hurry we might miss something."

My eyes widen and I wordlessly tug on my combat boots, pull on my leather jacket, and clip on my holster. Thankfully I sleep in my clothes just for moments like these.

As soon as I'm ready Kaien and I dash from my apartment, this time I make sure to securely lock the door--like that'll do anything...

Not wasting time in calling a taxi, I quickly hotwire one of the vehicles left in the parking lot. Kaien looks at me disapprovingly, but doesn't say anything.

As soon as we're in the car I step on it, driving far past speed limits, but it's not like we'll get caught by the police. Not this late at night when any patrollers are passed out in their cars with a doughnut and coffee in hand.

I can smell the smoke before I see it.

The pedal touches the floor as I zoom to the sight of the fire.  Parking abruptly at the sidewalk curb, I shut off the car and dash out of my seat.

Red and orange flames curl around what used to be a beautiful home.  I can practically smell the bodies of the family that lives there left with their house.  To burn.

Kaien comes to stand beside me.  We both know --like before-- that there is nothing that we can do.

"The first house was only a five minute run away from your apartment."  Kaien says quietly.  "If we were to have run to this one it would of taken us fifteen.  That's a ten minute difference."

I turn to the hunter and snarl.  "What difference does that make?!"

Kaien shakes his head at me.  "Killers have a pattern Hitomi, may it be accidental or on purpose.  I'm only trying to figure out our murderer's pattern."

"This vampire obviously doesn't have one."  I throw up my arms.  "First they slaughter people and families sometimes hours away from here and now they kill everyone and then burn their house down!  Not to mention," I add, "the murders don't occur every night like they have these last two times, but there's random breaks in them.  Sometimes it lasts a week or more until the next killing."  I say.

"Exactly."  Kaien says, inspecting the burning house with a critical eye, then he turns to me.  "I'm not saying there's a hidden message in everything, but we should really start trying to analyze any possible patterns."  He says.  "All we know is what vampire family is committing these crimes and we don't even know who in the vampire family is participating in these crimes or where we can confront them.  We can look for more evidence as we go, but we can't stay idle in everything else."

"Fine, we can look for patterns."  I say.  "But there's really no point, I've already looked.  There's isn't anything, Kaien."

Just then I can hear sirens in the distance.

"The humans have come to extinguish the fire, which means we need to go or else they'll misinterpret our presence."

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