Chapter 25

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After we had left the meeting with Makishima, the rest of the day Kaien and I study all the data gathered from each murder, trying desperately to connect the pieces to form a full puzzle. Just so maybe we can figure out when the next murder will take place or even the time. We need any information we can get to help us with our plan.

Our plan is to prevent the next murder from even happening and possibly even catch our vampire killer. Despite the negativity about the whole situation I can't help feeling a blooming bud of hope grow in my chest. However, I feel that it will come to nothing in the end.

Somehow it always does.

"Hitomi." Kaien says whilst tying his blond hair back into a ponytail as we eat the dinner he had prepared for us. "I think I was on to something last night when I was talking about the time difference between the houses."

There's a bright light that suddenly hits my eye from outside the window and my heart constricts in panic as it appears that something is on fire. I've seen too many deaths that ended in flames. But, before I can run over to the window to check my eyes adjust to the light and I take a deep breath. It's just the sky. The colors of the sunset make it look like it's on fire.

"Did you hear me?" I look back over to Kaien, who waves his hands sporadically, trying to get my attention.

"Yes, apologies." I say, my moment of panic over. "I remember you saying something about that last night. What about it?"

"What I said was that the first house that was burned down was only a five minute run away from your apartment."  Kaien says.  "If we were to have run to the second house last night instead of taking a car it would of taken us fifteen minutes, the difference being ten minutes."

I arch an eyebrow. "So?"

"Well, I was looking for other patterns when I remembered what I said last night and decided to look into it."

"Did you find anything?"

Kaien nods his head enthusiastically, ponytail bobbing. "Yes, I have! Even though the murders took place at random times
--sometimes stretched days or weeks away from each other or twenty-four hours apart like the last two-- each house that the murders occurred in was about a ten minute run away from each other." Kaien explains.

At this I can feel excitement build deep within me. This is going to be it. I'll finally be able to exact my revenge and when that's finished I can start becoming a real mother to Eri.

"That means all we have to do is figure out which house is," I calculate in my head, "a twenty-five minute run away from my apartment."

"Exactly." Kaien grins. "And then we can stakeout the area until the night that it happens." He says. "Though I have a feeling that it will be tonight like the other two were."

I nod my head, a whole plan beginning to formulate in my mind. The bud of hope had grown into a flower.

3rd POV: Vasile Brandeis (The Pureblood Vampire and Hitomi's family's murderer)

"Hm." The Pureblood vampire, Vasile Brandeis smirks into his glass of blood. "I think tonight will be the night."

Yamada looks up at her master, smiling unsurely. "What do you mean, sir?"

Instead of answering, Vasile elegantly knocks back his drink and then stands, brushing himself off.


Vasile trains his orange eyes on to the vampiress, causing her to nearly swoon. "It is time for me to retrieve my queen chess piece and her little princess."

Yamada helplessly gestures to the chessboard on the table. "Your queen piece isn't missing sir, but I'm not sure what you mean about the princess. There aren't any princesses in chess."

"You are correct in a sense, I suppose the queen has never truly been free. And you're also right about another thing, maybe there isn't a princess on that that chess board." Vasile smiles cruelly. "But there is one on mine.


Kaien and I hastily dress, I make sure to not only pack my two guns but also some anti-vampire knives as well.

We still don't know where to go yet for our stakeout, but Kaien is about to call the Hunter's Association to figure it out.

"We'll find out which house lies twenty-five minutes away from here faster that way." He had explained. "Not to mention we could use the backup."

After shoving on my combat boots I walk into the kitchen to where Kaien is dialing the phone. He looks up when I walk in and smiles happily.

I smile back.

Then, his face grows serious as the phone rings, twisting his fingers in the phone wire absentmindedly.

At last someone picks up on the other end and I can hear a garbled voice speaking to Kaien. As the conversation goes on Kaien pales, the fingers he had entwined in the phone cord drop to his side.

After a couple more moments he hangs up and then turns to me. I can see the half hidden pain deep within his brown eyes. "Hitomi."

"Well what is it?!" I demand. "What's wrong?!"

"There has been another murder, they were about to call us, but I rang first."

I put my head in my hands. "Dammit! That bastard!" I curse, smacking my hand on the kitchen table. "We'll just have to figure out the next house and get the bloodsucker there." I say.

"No, you don't understand!"

I look up at him. "What do you mean I don't understand?"

Kaien's voice steadies and for some reason that fills me even more with worry. "Hitomi." Kaien says softly, voice cracking as if holding back tears. "The house that was just burnt, the one twenty-five minutes away from here is Aunt Yumi's house."

My eyes widen and for the first time since my sister died, I feel fear.

From behind me the fiery sunset brightens. The sun's last dying tendrils of light encasing the room in a burning red.

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