Chapter 29

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Alrighty guys, so at last we're back to Hitomi's point of view.  I apologize for all the point of view skipping, but I felt it was necessary to the story.  Anyway, thank you all so much for reading and I hope you thoroughly enjoy this chapter!



Hitomi's P.O.V.

I don't know where I'm going.

I don't know where Eri is and I don't even know where Vasile is keeping her. All I know is instinct, hate, determination, and above all vengeance. They are the only things that keep me running through the dark streets.

The streetlights seem to blur past me in blinding flashes of white as I pass.  All I can see is the road ahead of me and yet all I want to do is look behind me, but I know if I do I will surely stumble and fall.

Thump, thump, thump.

The rapid beat of my feet match the march of ongoing thoughts and emotions stomping through my head.


My sister, Eri's, selflessness and her courage. The way her face stayed calm and patient during training and afterwards when she tutored me.  My sister, Sweet, stood by me until the bitter end. She is the best person I've ever known.


My daughter, Eri's, smiling face, her small body wrapped in my arms in a loving embrace. The way her eyes light up with mischief and sass. The kindness and pureness in her child-heart.

I realize something. My daughter Eri is the perfect mix between myself and my sister. She is Sweet and Spice.

I thought I was finished crying and yet another tear traces down my cheek.

I will save her. I will protect her. I'll do everything I can in order for her not to fall as my sister once had. I will take her from Vasile's clutches, and when I do I will make him know hell.

All of a sudden ash blows in my face, clogging my nose and vision. Waving away the ash, I cough. That's when my stinging eyes see it. Aunt Yumi's house.

It isn't in flames anymore, all that's left of it is a burnt out husk of ash and melted support beams.

I don't even know how I ended up here. All I know is that I ran and some instinct must of sent me here.

My cold hands dig into my pockets as a sudden chill washes over me. My brow crumples in confusion as one of my hands touches a soft, plush surface.

What, a teddy bear? I take the teddy bear out of my pocket and hold it out in front of me. That's when it clicks and I remember. I found this teddy bear in one of the houses that Kaien and I were searching for clues at. It was before Vasile started burning down the houses.

Looking at the teddy bear now it reminds me of Eri, both my daughter and sister. I clutch the bear to my chest, it gives me the courage to step inside the no longer burning house.

All around me ash swirls as wind picks up the remains, spreading them everywhere and occasionally blowing them in my face. I clutch the teddy tighter as I enter what used to be the living room. Thankfully, Aunt Yumi and her family's bodies no longer lay side by side. Either they were taken away by the humans to be buried or they had long since became one with the ash.

Taking a deep breath I look around for awhile longer but don't come up with anything. No clues left for me. No Eri peaking behind the smashed doors or hiding amongst the ash. She isn't here. There is nothing here anymore.

After realizing this I step out of the house's broken threshold and on to the crispy grass.

Through the smoke and ash my eyes meet a pair of bright crimson ones staring at me from the sidewalk.

My fingers lightly touch my two guns, ready to whip them out and shoot in an instant.

A gust of wind unexpectedly blows through, causing my short hair to beat against my face and for some of the ash and leftover smoke to blow away. I am met with a hazy image of a vampire woman with fiery red hair and eyes. She stares at me contemptuously, practically seething with hate.

My fingers wrap around my guns and I pull them out of their holster, taking aim at the dirty bloodsucker.

"If you shoot," The woman says in a shrill soprano voice, "then you will never see your daughter again."

My arms fall limp to my side, my numb fingers almost drop the guns.

The woman smiles sinisterly and then speeds over to me until there is only a foot between us. "I am the vampire Yamada, servant of the great and most merciful Pureblood vampire, Vasile Brandeis." The woman says, red eyes turning dreamy as she sighs her master's name. "I have come to escort you to his estate. My master wishes to see you." Out of her dreamy state, the vampire turns her burning glare to me.

"Your master." I seethe.

"Yes." The parasite says. "My master informed me that if you choose not to come then you will never see your daughter again." Yamada threatens.

My hot anger turns cold at her threat and I nod, sticking my guns back in their holster. "I'll come."

Yamada sticks out a pouty lip, looking as sullen as a child. "Fine then, grab my hand."

No, no way.

But it's the only way.

I grab Yamada's hand. Her fingers seem cold and dead in my grasp.

"Let's go then." She smirks.

At that she zooms off into the night, towing me behind her. Her sharp fingernails intentionally dig into my palm as she pulls me along, but I hardly feel the pain let alone feel or see anything. She's moving so fast all I see is blurred splashes of color and strange shapes and possibly a huge door opening...? And then it all stops.

Yamada comes to a screeching halt in a long entryway with a carpet of blood red as if the pigment had been intentionally made to look like a pool of blood. A sickening sweet smell pervades the air and that is when I see crimson rose petals scattered across the carpet, nearly blending in with all the red. My eyes adjust to all the splashes of uniform color and I see that the petals aren't randomly strewn about, but create a path.

Yamada's full lips pout sulkily and she looks angrily to me. "I assume this beautiful path was left for you." She sighs sadly. "Follow it to where it leads." At that Yamada lets out a single sob and skitters away from view.

Nausea takes root in my stomach at the disgusting display of what would be seen as romantic, nonetheless I do as the bloodsucking parasite suggests.

Eri is worth all I must endure.

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