Chapter 33

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Hitomi's P.O.V.

Worry courses through me.

Kaien?! I told him to stay out of it!

And why should I even be worried, especially after our argument.

Yet I still am.

"Yes, Kaien cross." Vasile says, circling me from where I sit up on the floor. "What an interesting character. Eri calls him Daddy Kaien. So, what is he to you? Friend, family, lover." Vasile sneers.

I keep quiet, watching his every movement for an opportunity to strike.

"It doesn't matter because you're mine now. You and Eri both."

My eyes flash like hot angry coals, but I still somehow maintain my silence.

Vasile chuckles. "The silent treatment?" He walks over towards me, so he towers over me. "I don't think so." He lifts up a foot and smashes it on to my broken fingers.

I let out a shriek of pain, tears gliding down my cheeks at the horror of the sickening crunches and the mind boggling agony.

The Pureblood laughs and then hauls me to my feet, slamming me into the wall so hard that I'm momentarily blinded. I let out a groan as he lets go, allowing me to slide to the ground, leaving a trail of smeared blood on the wall from my now-bleeding head.

I blink rapidly, fighting consciousness, but the pain is nearly too much to bear. I can feel my body loosing its energy, wanting to curl up and sleep so it can heal itself. My tears act as a glue, my eyelashes getting stuck on their stickiness.

I seemingly hear from a far off, distant place Vasile speaking in his low, melodic voice.

I force my eyes open and blink up at the blurred shape that is Vasile. When I don't answer him he lifts a foot and kicks me in the abdomen. I keel over, gasping for air.

Vasile kneels down and gently takes my face in his hands. All I can focus on are his orange eyes, glowing, sparking.

I take a breath and fight through my muddled brain and back into reality where the agony is overwhelming. Suddenly my hearing comes back all at once.

"I'll break every bone in your body until you see my way, but I promise I'll keep one thing intact." His thumb strokes my cheek. "I won't break your face, I'll leave it the way it is. Vengeful, stubborn, and cold." Vasile leans forward and whispers in my ear, "Has anyone ever told you that you have beautiful eyes."

"Yes." I croak with a small smile. "Kaien Cross has."

Vasile's face turns dark. He grabs a fistful of my hair and bangs my head on the wall behind me.

I let out a yelp, my vision once again becoming blurry.

In one blazing memory I remember. I remember the anti-vampire knives in my boots.

Slowly, my good hand reaches towards my boot as Vasile speaks.

"You always choose the difficult path, Hitomi." Vasile sighs. "I didn't want to hurt you, but look at what you've done. I told you I'd break every bone in your body if I have to and I will unless you agree to stay here with Eri and myself as my wife."

"Fine." I groan. "I just want Eri to be safe. No more of this, no more."

My fingers slip into my boot and wrap around one of the knives.

Vasile smiles and leans into me, his lips meeting mine. My own lips move in sync with his and I wrap my arms around him, deepening the kiss. His kiss of death.

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