Chapter 23

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Back at Hitomi's first point of view!  Also, it's a shorter chapter, but oh well!



"That's the story of the vampire hunter beginning." I say flatly.

"And the vampire beginning too." Kaien adds.

I send him a quick and sharp look that shuts him up.

"Yes, it is." Aunt Yumi says. "Do you remember when I used to tell you and your sister that story when you were children?"

"Of course." I answer, looking at my aunt suspiciously, possibly even with contempt.

What is she up to with bringing this up?

"It was inappropriate for children then just as it is now." I add sternly. "Why did you tell us and the children that story?"

"It wasn't my choice. If you remember Eri requested the story." She answers back.

At the mention of her name Eri stirs slightly in my lap and lets out a small snore that causes a faint smile to rise to my lips before reality sinks back in. "I remember."

At that moment Kiku's eyes open and he sits up, looking at all of us with tired eyes and a face full of bed head. "I think I'll go to bed now, goodnight."

At that Kiku gets up and stumbles to his room with finality. Aunt Yumi looks after him with a loving smile before turning back to Kaien and I. "I think Kiku is right, it is getting late. Do you both mind staying for awhile longer and helping me carry the children to bed?"

"No, we'd love to help." Kaien smiles, picking up one of the twins and getting to his feet.

"Thank you both." Aunt Yumi says, getting up off the couch with a bit of effort because of the pregnant belly that balloons out in front of her."

"No problem." I answer, setting down Eri's head gently to pick up the other twin.

Once I have him safely in my arms Aunt Yumi shows Kaien and I to their rooms, where we both gently set them on their beds. While Aunt Yumi stays to tuck them in, Kaien and I return to the living room to pick up the remaining children; Eri and Aunt Yumi's youngest son, Rento.

However, before I can go to pick up Eri, Kaien zooms over to my sleeping child --nearly knocking me to the floor-- and swoops her up.

"Aww, she's so cute when she's sleeping." Kaien coos, right then he turns to see me looking at him murderously. "Sorry." He squeaks, handing me Eri to pick up Rento instead.

Walking to their rooms, we meet Aunt Yumi in the hallway.

"Rento's room is through that door." She says, gesturing to Rento's room. "And I assume you know where Eri's room is, right Hitomi?" She teases.

"Of course." I say, making her smile fall flat at my tone.

I walk to the end of the hallway and up the stairs to where Eri's room is along with Uncle Daiki and Aunt Yumi's master bedroom and one of the bathrooms is.

Once I reach her room I nudge open the partially open door and softly set Eri into her bed and tuck her in.

Once done, I make sure to open up Eri's curtains slightly so the moonlight can filter into the room, knowing she doesn't like the dark.


At my angel's sweet voice I turn around and kneel beside her bed.

"Yes, angel?" I ask, stroking her curly black hair lovingly.

"Are you leaving?" Her eyes begin to brim with twinkling tears which starts me nearly crying as well.

I nod my head. "Yes, sweetheart. But I'll see you again soon, okay? I promise. Just go to sleep." I lean in and kiss her forehead, but when I try to move back her arms wrap around me in an embrace.

"I love you, mommy." She releases me and then yawns, turning on to her side and falling asleep.

"Sweet dreams, angel." I whisper, getting up and leaving the room quietly.

I make sure to leave the door open a crack and then turn to leave only to quite literally bump into Kaien.

"Were you listening to us?!" I hiss venomously underneath my breath.

Kaien ignores the question. "I don't understand how you can leave her." He looks forlornly at the door. "If I were you it would break my heart."

"It does." I mumble.


"Nothing, let's go." At that I turn on my heel and walk quickly away from Kaien like I so often do.


That night in my dreams I walk through blood and ashes. The sting of smoke on my eyes causes tears to erupt from them and sizzle once they drop down my face and on to the burning ground.

My body aches, but I continue walking on the burnt wasteland that stretches in front of me like eternity. Then, suddenly the scene changes even though I still walk along eternity.

A field of withering roses and their petals stretch out in front of me. No longer am I choking from the stench of smoke, but of the sickening sweet, dying flowers. It is somehow worse.

As my feet traverse the barren field I feel a clawed hand grab my ankle and I trip on to the red, withered roses all around me.

A sharp scream erupts from my throat as the rose's thorns pierce into my skin, drawing blood and adding more red to the dying red-brown roses that surround me.

When I try to push myself from off the ground thorns dig into my palms and I fall back on to the dying petals on my stomach.

Nearly blinded from the pain, I lay numbly until a single rose catches my eye.  Unlike the others it is a bright lively crimson, the last rose left un-withered.

Something stirs deep within me when I see that rose and I begin to crawl slowly, painfully over the thorns and dying flowers to the last surviving rose.

Just when I get close I feel the same clawed hand that tripped me grab my leg and hold me from moving farther.  But when I look behind me it isn't a human or even animal hand I see, but a skeletal one made from thorns.

I try to scream, but this time no sound comes from my mouth.  Finding it futile I turn back towards the rose and stretch my hands as far as they'll go just to touch the rose.  To feel its soft petals bright with life upon my hand, thirsty to touch something alive, but my hand cannot reach it.

And so I stay that way, reaching.




Until finally, at last, I wake up.

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