Chapter 32

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Hey!  I'm sorry for the wait, but here's the newest chapter!  I hope you all enjoy:)



Kaien's Third P.O.V.

Haruka, Juri, and Kaien come to a screeching halt in front of the Brandeis's huge estate.  The mansion is elegant, but fierce all at once in a twisted sort of beauty.  Castle-like spires pierce the sky.  Dark green vines curl up and around the house, looking as if it is trying to choke it.

"This is it."  Juri says with a smile.  "Vasile Brandeis's homey abode." 

"Homey."  Haruka chuckles at his wife's sarcasm.  "Is not the first word that comes to mind."

Kaien nods his agreement.  No, homey is the farthest thing from the truth. Sinister is a much better fit.

"Now come on.  Let's go get your friend and her daughter and burn this ugly place to the ground."  Haruka suggests.

"You will do nothing of the sort!"  A shrill voice shrieks.  Suddenly, a woman with fiery red hair jumps from one of the many windows above and lands directly in front of the trio.  "I am the vampire Yamada and I will not allow you to do such a malicious act!"

"A minion, how tacky."  Juri says, running a hand through her long, brown locks.

The kind Pureblood vampire Kaien has known for so long has now become dark and sarcastic in the face of her enemies.  It is as if she laughs at the very thought of them and how they will try to hurt her.  A chilling affect.

For some reason this reminds him of Hitomi.

"I am no minion!"  The vampiress shouts childishly, even going as far as to stomp her foot.  "Now leave!  My master hates any unnecessary violence, but he will have me tear you to shreds if you choose to refuse his mercy."

Kaien feels anger and despair bubble up within him.  "That is a lie!  Your master has murdered and slaughtered so many of my friends and others I never had the honor of knowing!  I will never allow him have Hitomi and my little Eri!"

Yamada cocks her head and grins, her fangs glint in the vampire night.  "Then, I'll suck you dry and toss your bloody carcasses where they can bother somebody elsewhere!"

"Oh really."  Haruka muses.

Yamada's smile widens and hundreds of level e's flood out from the woods.

Kaien's mouth presses into a small, thin line.  He looks at the hoard of level e's and then lastly Yamada herself.  When her eyes meet his, the hunter ghosts a smile.  "You and what army?"

Yamada scowls, red eyes demented and crazed.  "Attack!"

Kaien unsheathes his sword and the Pureblood couple both get into a deadly fighting stance as the level e's all come at them at once.

Kaien swings his sword in a single, graceful arc, cutting the first level e that dares to come at him in half.  From the left Haruka grabs any level e that comes close and swiftly breaks their necks.  Juri on the other hand pounces like a great, elegant cat and easily bashes their heads into the ground, splattering bits of blood and brain matter everywhere.

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