Chapter 8

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'Sup!  How are you all doing? Good, I hope:) Anyways, I didn't have time to update yesterday (I had quite a bit of homework.) So, I updated a longer chapter for today.

I hope you all enjoy!  Also, feel free to comment feedback or any questions you may have on the story, I'll answer them as long as it won't spoil anything ;)  Have a disney day~!



This time I awake to my alarm clock.
5 am on the dot. A smirk pulls at my lips. It's a good thing I have a lock on my door.

Rolling off my bed, I land on to the balls of my feet with a light thump. I pad over to my closet and pull on a grey t-shirt, gym shorts, and running shoes.

Quietly, I leave my room. From what I can tell Kaien is still asleep. Good, I don't need him bothering me.

Before leaving I eat a granola bar and a quick second later I'm  going down the elevator and out the door into the crisp morning air.

I haven't had a morning jog for awhile now. The cool wind nipping at my face and the steady thrum of my running shoes against the sidewalk puts me back into a non-thinking trance. Not thinking is a good thing, it offers some relief to it all.

Like all good things it only lasts so long. Soon enough my thoughts take my brain captive once more. I quicken my pace and then it subsides for awhile longer only to come back rearing. This time no matter how fast I run I can't leave it behind.

Images flash through my mind and I nearly kiss pavement from a crack in the ground I usually would of been able to dodge.

Not again.

And then I'm running like a mad woman down the streets. With a final running step my foot catches on my other and I tumble on to the hard concrete on to my hands and knees.

The pain is the thing to bring me back to reality.

Wincing I don't even bother checking my bleeding wounds before limping home. Hopefully Kaien isn't up yet. I can't imagine how worried and annoying he'd act seeing me like this. For some reason I chuckle at the thought, however it quickly dies along with the light feeling I feel with it.

I shake my head and hobble on.

As I continue walking back to my apartment it is only then that I realize just how far I ran. The possibility of Kaien still being asleep becomes less and less as time wares on.

I flinch as the blood flow from my palms and knees becomes heavier. I try to ignore it, but the sound of footsteps behind me doesn't allow that.

Carefully, I quickly glance behind my back. A tall woman in a business suit walks behind me. I can't see her eyes from the fringe of dark hair hiding them, but I can feel them on me.

My fingers clench, causing my palms to ache and bleed more. I can hear the footsteps behind me quicken slightly as the metallic smell wafts through the air.

I bite my lip. Damn, I'll have to fight injured.

My hand creeps toward the gun at my belt. The belt that I left at home.

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