Chapter 4

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Hey guys!  Here's a super randomly spontaneous surprise update! Also, I just wanted to say that if any of you want a book cover check out my book Book Covers and I'll be happy to make you one!
Thanks that's all, enjoy!



The car ride to my aunt's is a silent one. I can tell Kaien wants to talk, but every time I see him about to I kill him with my harsh stare.

He's my partner, we'll have to talk eventually, but useless chatter is something I will no longer accept. Especially because I currently hate him.

It's not very difficult to get me to hate someone. I have no patience for nosy people and those pacifists that believe we can make peace with vampires.

What makes this all even more unbelievable is that Kaien Cross is known as a highly skilled and highly respected vampire hunter among the association. It completely baffles me that that man is a bumbling idiot. But what really flabbergasts me is that he believes that not all vampires are bad. He's supposed to be a hunter, he should know by experience of how dark they are.

The whole thing just pisses me off. However, I try to remain detached and stoic as usual. Much to my dislike my anger sometimes reigns instead of the emotionless facade I try to uphold. Right now, I'm able to manage it quite well.

Kaien fidgets in his chair anxiously. I glare at him, which keeps him from exploding in dialogue.

Thankfully, right then the taxi pulls up into the driveway of a small white house with a sky blue roof. Some would describe it as...

"It's so cute!" Kaien gushes, his hands on his cheeks.

Ignoring the blonde, I hop out of the taxi and quickly pay the driver. Kaien steps out as well, joining me at the curb.

"Oh, Hitomi! You didn't have to pay, I have quite enough money to do it myself."

"It's too late for that." I state as the taxi pulls out of the driveway and drives away.

"How much was it? I'll reimburse you."

"It's fine."I grit my teeth.


"If it shuts you up you can pay the next time." I say.

"We can take turns paying! Like friends do!" Realization dawns on his face. "Does that mean we're friends?" Before I can protest or make a witty comeback the blond grins so hard I'm afraid his jaw will break from the force. "It does, doesn't it!" Unexpectedly the hyper man tackles me into a hug. "Yay~!"

I shove the man-child off of me, keeping my features cold and uncaring. "Don't touch me." I don't even try to deny his "realization" of our "friendship." It isn't worth it.

"Why so cold, Hitomi!" He pouts.

"Just stay out here and I'll retrieve the book." I sigh. "It will only take me a minute."


"Stay." I say as if commanding a dog.

Before he can open his mouth to protest I stomp up the walkway to the door and ring the doorbell.

"Come in!" A tired voice shouts a couple of minutes later.

My hand goes to the doorknob, but then I feel a presence behind. I whip around, gun already in hand.

Kaien holds up his hands and smiles sheepishly. I clench my fists. "Fine, come in if you must. Just stay out of my way."

"Okay!" He exclaims happily.

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