Chapter 30

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Early chapter 'cause guess what?!


Whoop whoop! It's Chapter 30~!



Kaien's Third P.O.V.

Juri, Haruka, and Kaien zip across the landscape. Juri holds tight to Kaien's hand, enabling him to move just as fast as the two Purebloods.

As they move, Kaien cannot help but remember a time when having Juri so close would set his heart a flutter. Ever since he allowed her to live while hunting her, he had felt a strong attraction the vampire. For awhile he even felt like maybe it was love.

It was something that he had gotten over. Juri has two beautiful children and a loving husband. It would of never worked. Even if it could of Kaien would of never hurt Haruka like that.

But now with her hand in his all Kaien feels is the companionship of long-time friends. And he knows deep down that they will always be friends.

It is something he has grown to accept and right now it doesn't even seem to matter. The only woman on his mind is his partner, Hitomi. He's unsure what he feels for the zesty vampire hunter, but one thing he does know for sure is that no matter what she says, Hitomi is his friend. He will do anything for his friends.

"We are nearing the estate!" Haruka calls, voice nearly carried away from the power of the wind.

"The sooner the better!" Juri calls back. "I doubt breaking into the estate will be as simple as 1, 2, 3." She replies. "There is no doubt in my mind that Vasile has a whole legion of level E's waiting for us."

Kaien nods. "But we can handle it."

Juri offers him a dazzling smile. "Of course we can!"

Haruka smiles, bobbing his head in agreement and the three speed onwards, only getting closer and closer to the enemy at hand.

Hitomi's P.O.V.

I bite my lip, following the twisting trail of rose petals up the grand winding staircase and on to the uppermost levels of the mansion.

There's an eery silence that fills the air, but I refuse to be afraid. I'll kill the bastard and take my daughter back and everything will be fine. I won't let it happen any other way.

After seemingly walking miles of brightly colored rose petals, the trail stops at a door. An ordinary door, nothing spectacular about it in the least. Hesitantly, I twist the knob and throw open the door. My hands are already on my guns.

Instead of action I am met with an empty room filled with a continuing path of rose petals.

Stepping into the room I continue along the path, warily looking around me as if expecting something to jump out from the many hiding places of the room.

The room itself is rather large and resembles a big storage room.  Old couches, bed frames, chairs, tables, armoires, and more sit stacked so close to each other that the only path through the room is the path of roses.  Each piece of furniture is also covered by a white cloth to keep away the dust. 

The affect brings chills up and down my arms.  Anything can jump out at me right now.

At last I reach the next door to where the path leads, but whenI attempt to open it, it remains sealed tight.  I tug on on the knob once more, but it stays stuck shut.  Anger flares up in me and I kick the door with all my might, but it doesn't break open.  All I have to show for the effort is a bruised foot.

I turn back around, facing the room and pressing my back to the stubborn door.  If there is something hiding amongst the forgotten furniture, I won't let it sneak up on me.

After a moment of eery silence the door behind me opens and I fall backwards, arms outstretched to grab on to something to keep me up.  My hands grasp only air and so I tumble to the carpet in an annoyed heap of limbs and anger.

I can practically hear Vasily laughing at me, taunting me.

In a red hot blur I get to my feet and trudge onwards, kicking up stupid petals as I go whilst ugly profanities spill from my lips.  I will not be bested by a vampire.  I'd rather die.

Abruptly, the path stops again.  Instead, this time it is not at a door but a solid wall. 

"I can't materialize through walls, you bloodsucker!" 

Nothing answers me and so I am left to deal with the dead end myself. Not that I was expecting an answer of course.  This was obviously some sort of game on Vasile's part.  Something to break me down to the point where he can swoop in and finish me, or do whatever he wants to do.  Despite knowing this, I still cannot help but feel irritation and rage flash hot within me. 

My fingers clench and unclench and I take a deep breath that does nothing to make anything better.

In a blaze of blinding rage I kick and punch at the wall with full force.  My fists of fury only meet air and so I find myself knocked off balance, once again falling into open space.  Directly on to the continuing path of rose petals.

Standing up, I brush myself off and look around me.  It is as if the wall was never there.  Stupid illusions.

And so I continue onward and down the long halls, closer and closer to my destination. My anxiety is almost crippling, the longer I take the longer time he has with Eri.  I shudder thinking about just what he has told her. 

Told my daughter.

I quicken my pace, jogging down the halls and through so many different rooms that it seems like a blur.  The inner well-trained vampire hunter in me screams at my carelessness. Knowing that I'll need to remember these halls in order to get out as swiftly as possible.  But that doesn't matter to me.  Practicality comes second to my primary maternal instinct. 

That instinct isn't primary, Hitomi. Kaien's voice chides. But your lust for vengeance is.

At those thoughts I nearly fall into a fit of anger and memories like I did when I went out for a run so long ago. Somehow I hold myself together. Kaien would never say something so cruel to me.

But it doesn't mean it isn't true.

My heart seems to rip open and fall to pieces on the floor, but I refuse to believe that what I'm doing is wrong even though...deep down....

I know it is.

I quicken my pace, running away from my inner turmoil like I always do.  This time it stays away as I concentrate on the task at hand.

Vengeance and Eri.

I skid to a halt as I reach a large mahogany door engraved with violent pictures and mad swirls that make me feel sick.

My breath hitches and I clench my fingers, then without hesitation I throw open the door which leads to some kind of huge office with a glass chess table set up in the center of the room.

Vasile Brandeis sits at his desk, lounging with one arm slung around his chair, the other twisting one of his curly brown locks, and one leg propped up on his antique desk.

As soon as his eyes find me they flash an even brighter fiery orange than they already are and a slow smile spreads across his handsome features.

"The time since our last meeting has been far too long, Hitomi.  Don't you agree?"

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