Chapter 31

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Okay, as you guys know this story is pretty dark.  Well, it's about to get even darker.  So, I'm just warning you before you read that it has some content that is not okay for all viewers to read.  If you are one of these people, do not continue. 

If you are one of those people I will describe what occurs in this chapter to you in vague detail just enough that you will get what happened without hopefully having to be overwhelmed by it.



"Not long enough." I spit venomously, shaking from the absolute rage coursing through me.

Vasile's smile widens and I can feel his eyes slowly roam over my face and body.  I shudder as memories flicker through my mind.  Memories long repressed.

Of him looming over me.  The sting, the disgusting pleasure.

He looked at me the same way he is now.  Lustfully, wantingly.

I hate him.  I hate him! I HATE HIM!

"Where is my daughter you bastard!"  I shout, fingers twitching in want of my guns tucked safely in their holster.

"Our daughter is safe in her room without a care in the world." Vasile says.  "She reminds me a bit of you Hitomi, but she has mine and your sister's strength.  She's the perfect heir."

The way his hands were all over me, in my hair, touching my skin and infecting it.  He's the one that gave me Eri, but she is my child.  Mine.

"Give her to me!"

"You'll see Eri soon."  Vasile says.  "Once you've calmed down, of course.  I can't let her see you this upset, it would hurt her.  And you don't want that, do you?"

Vasile did not rape me.  It was willing, it was part of our deal.

"Hello." I said coldly.

He grinned. "You have grown." I inwardly shuddered as his eyes raked over my body. In the time since I last saw him I had grown to become a woman. A sixteen year-old girl, but a woman all the same.

"You haven't changed at all." I threw back.

He chuckled long and low. "You're right about that. So, Hitomi why did you come looking for me?"

"It's not you I came for, leech, but your blood. I need it to save my sister, the girl who's life you ruined."

"How are you going to get it?" He asked idly.

"I'll slit your throat for it."

He laughed. "You are alone, I could kill you right now."

"Then why don't you?" I challenged.

"Because you're interesting and." His eyes roamed over me again. "And beautiful. So instead of killing me how about I just give you my blood."

"What's the catch?"

"Smart girl, though I fear not as smart as your sister."

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