Chapter 7

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Hola~! I'd just like to thank you all for the support so far and also apologize for the shorter updates of late. My mind has been abuzz with school preparations and today was actually my first day of school. Yay, note the sarcasm.

Anywhoo, I hope you all have an awesome day/night and enjoy my newest chapter! Thanks that's all!



Kaien and I move out to the living room where he pulls the gigantic vampire lineage book seemingly out of nowhere and drops it on to the coffee table with a loud thump.  There's a creaking sound, but thankfully the table doesn't collapse from under the book's heavy weight.

"So, let's start." Kaien claps his hands together enthusiastically.

"Alright, well this book is in alphabetical order by the family's last name. We should look through each family and put a bookmark in if they are known to kill hunter's. When we go through every family we can then narrow things down from there." I explain to the long-haired blond beside me.

Kaien adjusts his ponytail and smiles. "Sounds like a plan."

I nod and go to open the book, but Kain stops me by placing his hands over mine.  I jerk my hands away from his and look up at him with an icy glare.

"It's old.  The pages are probably fragile and the oils from our fingers might just help destroy it.  That's why I nabbed these from the grocery store." Kaien holds up a bag of disposable plastic gloves.

With one final icy look I take two gloves and slip them on to my hands while Kaien does the same. Once both of us are wearing gloves, Kaien sets the box beside him and opens the book.

The aromatic smell of old book pages wafts through the air. I ignore the scent while Kaien smiles wistfully. I look at him strangely.

"I don't have much time to read, but the smell of old books always makes me want to."

I don't respond back to the comment, instead my eyes zoom across the first family tree. It's not a long one, only half a page long. I look to the next page and then go to turn it, but Kaien stops me, a shred of notebook paper in his hand.

"This first page is one that is known to hunt vampire hunters." Kaien says.

I look more carefully at the page. "I don't think so."

"No, they are." Kaien assures me.


My face flushes in frustration. I don't know all the families like I thought I did. It would make sense that Kaien would, seeing he's over two-hundred years old. Apparently this idiot has a memory like an elephant, something I'll have to remember.

"It's okay." Kaien says quickly whilst tucking the bookmark into the page. "Everyone makes mistakes."

That doesn't mean that I won't berate myself for making them....

Because every mistake that I make is just an inconvenience to this case.  All it does is delay things.  My vengeance does not need to be delayed anymore.

"Anyways." Kaien goes on, pulling me from my dark thoughts. "It is still good to have you looking with me. It's always good to have a second set of eyes." He smiles kindly at me, light brown eyes twinkling.

"Yes. Yes, it is." I agree, my head down so he can't see my expression. "Now let's cut the chit-chat. We have to pay attention, we can't miss any of the families."


From my knowledge he didn't miss any of them.  We poured over the book all day and were able to reach the end of it. 

The day was hard and grueling. I felt antsy from sitting for so long and not doing anything.  Kaien didn't even seem to need me as he studied each page with intensity.

After awhile I began to miss more and more of the families from my inattention.  Each time Kaien would see the ones I missed and stick a piece of paper into the page.

By the end of it white  shreds of paper stuck out from the book, making it look more like a studying book than anything. I guess it is in a way though.

Anyways, despite my utter uselessness Kaien never yelled at me or chastised me.  Any words he spoke to me were that of encouragement.  It frayed heavily on my nerves.  I felt like a child with a teacher trying to help them to draw letters correctly.  It was just annoying.

But I stuck to it, no matter how irritated I was I kept my eyes on that damned book.  And yet when we finished I felt no accomplishment.  It wasn't me who found the families it was Kaien.  That fact angered me further.

It's the reason why I'm currently in my bedroom, viciously eating another delicious meal Kaien cooked.  I can't even be helpful in my own house. It's pathetic, really.

Taking the last bite, I get up and put my dish away, washing it before I put it away. At least I can do that much.

I go to return to my bedroom when Kaien calls out to me in that squeal-y voice of his. "Let's play a game, Hitomi!"

My hands clench into fists. "I don't have any, Mr. Cross."

"That's okay! I bought one from the store earlier."

I turn to see him take out a game called Twister. I was out of there before he could say, "let's play!"

Dammit, Kaien. I can't even sit in the living room without being bothered. Why the hell did I let him stay with me in the first place?

Oh yes, I remember now....Puppy dog eyes.

I shudder, what a stupid weakness.

"Hitomi! Why won't you play?" I can hear Kaien whine from the living room.

Before he can come into my room searching for me I flop on to my bed, planning on going to sleep before he can.  But that's when I remember what happened this morning and how he came into my room and watched me sleep.


I lock the door without another thought. It's a good thing I do because not a minute later Kaien comes knocking on my door.

I slip into bed with a smile, he can't touch me here. That's my last thought before I float off into unconsciousness, Kaien's pounding on my door just a background rhythm that helps lull me to sleep.

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