Chapter 18

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You may have noticed me changing this cover a lot recently XD. It's just I made a new cover, but for some reason it kept coming up blurry when I changed it. It was really frustrating and I couldn't stand it.

So, I made this new one. I hope you all like it, I think it looks pretty:). Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter and I'm sorry for the wait!



When Kaien returns, the vial of blood is tucked under my shirt and the rose had been tossed away.

"I was able to track them for awhile, but they slipped away before I could get close."  Kaien explains after an awkward silence.

"Oh." Is all I can say.

Kaien offers me a weak smile. "We'll find him, Hitomi.  At least we have a lead now.  I recognized that family crest that was left burning in the grass from the book.  It's the Brandeis family."

This is the chance I wanted, the chance to tell Kaien that I know who the killer is, however, my mouth stays shut on the matter. He already knows which family has committed these crimes, from there I can help lead him to find out which member of the family is the murderer. There is no need for me to tell him.

He'll ask far too many questions, questions I refuse to answer.

"Oh, I think I remember that family from the book too." I say, as soon as the words tumble out of my lips Kaien's eyes are attached to my own. Something strange bubbles unpleasantly in my stomach....guilt?

I brush the ugly feeling away. "Now to find out which member or members are involved, from there we can track them down and finish this once and for all."

Kaien looks at me with deadpan eyes, though his voice is soft. Careful even. "It will never end, Hitomi. Not unless we make some kind of peace with the vampires."

There isn't a hint of guilt left in me when my eyes stare into his in a deadly glare. I'm right not to tell him, he would never understand.

He would never understand that I need to end this and the only way to do that is to kill Vasile Brandeis, the pure blood vampire that destroyed my life. The same vampire that has been committing all of these crimes.

"You already know how I feel about your so-called peace." I hiss, my voice dripping with venom as poisonous as a snake's. "It doesn't exist, Kaien. But that's besides the point. I don't want to talk about it and argue with you until dawn. It has been a long night and I'm going to bed." Without another word I swiftly enter my room, locking the door behind me.

It still smells like fresh roses, I nearly gag as the scent attacks my nose and I wish nothing more than to go back into the living room. But knowing I can't I light a scented candle that I retrieve from my closet. It was a house warming present from Aunt Yumi. Not that I would be staying in this apartment long, but she always insisted on getting me something each time I move.

After awhile the calming scent of sweet cherry blossoms fill the room. Melancholically, I remember that cherry blossom's were Sweet's favorite flower. Despite that I curl up in bed, for once comforted by the bittersweet memories the scent brings.


My eyes open to sunlight filtering through my heavy draperies. The flickering light plays with the shadows on the the walls in a strange dance of Ying and Yang. I lay still, mesmerized for a moment until the sound of Kaien bustling in the kitchen takes me out of my trance.

Stretching like a cat, I let out a yawn before sliding out of my warm bed and on to the chilly hardwood floor. After taking a luke-warm shower and getting dressed in my regular vampire hunter wear I find my way to the kitchen.

"Good morning, Hitomi." Kaien chirps with a wide grin. Our arguments and the occurrences from last night seem far away.

"Morning." I murmur back, rubbing my eyes tiredly. Usually I'm not so groggy in the mornings, but I've been sleeping less of late, though last night I slept well.

Kaien's cheeks redden as he watches me for a moment. Suddenly I don't feel so groggy.

"What? Is there something on my face?"

Kaien turns around to chop something, but I can still see his ears burning bright.

"No..." He trails off.

"Then what?" I demand any traces of a good mood gone from me.

"It's look cute is all."


My face floods with color and I stare down at my empty plate. "You idiot." I mutter.

Kaien either doesn't hear me or ignores me as he continues to chop whatever he is chopping.

When he finally turns to me with a plate heaping with food my face had gone back to its regular pallor.

As soon as the food is in front of my I scarf it down, I never realized just how hungry I am.

Once finished I wash my plate and stick it back in the cabinet along with my assortment of mismatched dining wear.

"Did you like it?" Kaien asks with big eyes.

I sigh and roll my eyes. "It was good."

Kaien beams before finishing up his own breakfast.

"So, what's the plan for today?" I ask, leaning against the countertop.

Kaien looks down and the mood suddenly turns grim, though the sunlight still lights up the room cheerily it feels dark.

"Last night."  He begins. "We lost the book."

I nod, I had been trying not to think of it all morning now.  I don't have a choice now.

"Yes." I state, a quiet anger bubbling up inside of me.

He looks at me carefully. "We need to tell your Aunt Yumi."  My eyes widen and before I can say anything, Kaien continues.  "She's the guardian of the book.  She may know how to help get it back and if not then she may still know something about the Brandeis family that we don't."

I open my mouth to speak my disagreement, no words come out to help my case.  The only things that come to mind are petty things.  I don't want Aunt Yumi, the woman who helped me in my time of need --the one who is still helping me-- to worry at all.  She doesn't deserve that, but it's more than that.  I'm ashamed.

I nod slowly in agreement, but I don't like it. "Fine, we'll go."

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