Chapter 34: Epilogue

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Omniscient  P.O.V.

Hitomi's hand becomes limp in Kaien's as she lets out one last labored breath.

Tears fall freely down his face and drop on to his friend's body and mix with the blood that pools around them..

I was too late....

The hunter lets out a choked sob as he takes in her broken body, the agony she must of felt as she fought for her life, her vengeance, and her daughter.


Eri. Where is she?

Just as the thought runs through his head, Juri and Haruka enter the room. Despite all the fighting they've done, there isn't a rip in their clothes, nor even a droplet of blood on them.

"We were too late." Kaien croaks.

Juri's and Haruka's faces fall.

"I am so sorry, old friend." Haruka says, walking over and placing a hand on his shoulder.

"It's my fault." Kaien laments, covering his face with his hands. "If only I'd come sooner."

"Don't think like that." Juri says. "Your friend chose her path, you could of done nothing to stop it."

Kaien stays silent. He can't keep his eyes off of her lifeless silver eyes. He loved her eyes most because they showed her fire, who she really was even when her face was expressionless.

"Her daughter Eri is somewhere in the estate." Kaien says quietly. "I should go and find her." He tries to stand, but Haruka's hand on his shoulder restrains him.

Kaien look up at the Pureblood curiously.

"No, stay with your friend. Juri will go and find the girl. It would scar Eri to see you the way that you are now." Haruka says, gesturing to Kaien's blood soaked clothes.

"I guess you're right." Kaien says hesitantly.

"I'll go and find Eri and run her back over to our home." She says to her husband. "Meet us there when Kaien is done."

Haruka nods his head once, but his wife is already gone, searching every room with her rapid vampire speed.

"Haruka, can you please give me a moment." Kaien asks.

"Take all the time you need." At that, he swiftly leaves the room.

When he's gone, Kaien no longer cries at the loss of his friend. He no longer blames himself as he mulls over Juri's words.

Your friend chose her path, you could of done nothing to stop it.

But how he wishes he could of. If only he came sooner Eri would still have a mother and he would still have a friend. But she made her choice, it was made long ago when she decided to pursue her quest of "red vengeance" as she called it.

After a moment Kaien gently takes the belongings in her pockets, anything that would serve to hold her memory.

Kaien gasps as he finds a vial of blood tucked in her shirt. From the looks of it Vampire blood, probably Vasile's. Kaien doesn't know how she received it, but he places it in his pocket nonetheless. The only other thing he finds on her is something fluffy and plush in her coat pocket. Kaien extracts a stuffed teddy bear with soft brown fur, button eyes, and a stitched smile.

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