Chapter 26

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Early Update! Enjoy:)


The flower of hope dies then, cremated into ash that scatters in the wind.

I speak only one word. "Eri."

And then I'm racing at top speed out the door of my apartment, skipping steps to the parking lot. Once I reach it I run to the nearest car and break in using the hilt of one of my knives. I don't have time to pick locks.

Ignoring the cars emergency beeping, I unlock it from the inside and kneel down to hot-wire the vehicle.

By that time Kaien has caught up to me, but I don't care either way. The only thing, the only person on my mind is Eri.

At last the car comes roaring to life. I slide hastily into the driver's seat and quickly shut the door before pushing my foot on the accelerator and pulling haphazardly out of the lot and onto the road.

I speed down the roads like a demon is nipping at my heels, or maybe it's the devil himself.

Exactly twenty-five minutes later I stop the car at a burning house, Aunt Yumi's house.

I don't even bother to shut off the car or shut the door behind me as I sprint towards it.

"Hitomi!" Kaien calls after me. "Don't go in, it's too dangerous!"

I ignore him.

Instead, I kick down the door, not risking touching the metal of the doorknob.

Smoke hits my face, but I only bat it away and go in to the burning house.

I can't see much, there's smoke and fire everywhere, causing hot, acidic tears to fall down my cheeks in cascading rivulets.

My head moves quickly side to side. It doesn't take me long to find them.

The living room we all sat in just the day before is in ruins, encased in fire and boiling blood.

I see Aunt Yumi first and my heart cracks in two as I see her husband and their children all purposely lined up from tallest to shortest. Except someone's missing.


He took her.

I fall to my knees besides Aunt Yumi and her oldest son, Kiku's, corpse. A loud sob racks through my whole body and I scream. I scream so loud it should wake the dead, but it doesn't.

And then I cough as the smoke and ash enters my mouth, but I still don't stop sobbing. This is all my fault. I shouldn't of lived so close to them. I should of had them move far away. Far away from me. Still, I don't think it would of made a difference. Vasile still would of found them, just like he has found me.

Another scream rips through the air as I discover something completely and utterly sickening.

Resting on top of Aunt Yumi's pregnant belly is a rose. A simple rose.

I scream again and that's when Kaien finds me.

"Hitomi, come on we have to go." He urges, hauling me up from the ground.

Then, his eyes land on the bodies and his mouth forms into a perfect 'o'. "Oh no. Hitomi, I'm so sorry."

I shake my head weakly, the tears falling increasingly harder.

Suddenly he realizes something. "Where's Eri?"

A strangled sob of agony tears from my throat. "Gone."

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