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Steph sat across from Mia, at the restaurant staring blankly at the menu places infront of them. She wouldn't say anything yet and Mia was starting to get anxious and scared about what the matter could be.

The waitress came to get their order, it was the second time she was showing up. The first time they had decided that they didn't want anything yet but a glass of water.

"Should I get you anything now?" She asked.

"Burger and fries," Mia responded.

"Steph! Steph!" Mia called out and then she got snapped out of her thoughts. She had completely zoned out.

"I will get that too," Steph concluded.

"You have to tell me what's wrong now, you look pale," Mia said, concerned.

Steph was about to talk when the waitress came over to drop their meal.

After watching the waitress walk away, Steph spoke.

"I am pregnant, Mia."

"What!! How!!"

Mia's face was a mix of confusion and worry. She didn't understand the information she had just gotten. She knew Steph had No Boyfriend and haven't had one in a while, if anyone should be pregnant, she was sure it would be her and not Steph.

"What happened?" Mia asked again.

"It's the other night, the guy from the bar. I don't even know him that well. I am scared Mia, I don't know what to do."

Mia looked at her friends face covered with fear. She grabbed Steph's hands on the table.

"I am here with you, I am never leaving. We are in this together, just like we have always been," Mia assured.

Steph wanted to feel better, especially since that was all Mia was trying to do but she couldn't. It was all too overwhelming and so many thoughts were in her head. She was consumed by the fear of the unknown and couldn't think well.

"I am trying to be fine but..."

"No buts, Steph. We are going to get through this," Mia said.

"My career is just taking off and now a baby? I can't even think straight."

"I know it's hard, Steph and I really can't even imagine how you're feeling. But if I were in your shoes, you wouldn't allow me sit mopping all day. You would tell me to get up and find solutions to it."

"What do you want to do, that's all that matters," Mia added.

"I don't know," Steph answered.

The answer might have seemed somehow to Mia who was sitting in front of her but in all truth, she didn't know. She was just as confused.

"Let's start with telling the father of the child," Mia suggested.

"I don't even know the guy, that was my first time of meeting him."

"Let's start by finding out who he is then," Mia said.

Steph was grateful for Mia. Mia was her friend who was now just like a sister to her. They had been together with each other since childhood and have never stopped being friends still.

"Now eat up and let's go on our quest," Mia said and Steph smiled a bit.

"At least now I have made you smile."

Steph and Mia finished eating and decided to go over to Meet Mark at the a bar maybe he could be of help in finding Alex.

"Do you even know his name," Mia asked, as they walked through the door of the bar.

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