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Steph hurried to get to work the next day. She was almost late and wouldn't want her boss to start the new month with a query for her.

Alex had assigned a driver and car to her. It was going to be much easier for her to get to work and she wasn't going to need jumping the bus again and staying several minutes at the train station.

She got to work just in time for the days' work to start and she wished her week started with someone else bumping into her and not Mike.

They had both entered the same elevator and Steph wished she had been a few minutes late in other to not get to see him.

It was just both of them in the elevator and at first they said nothing to each other.

"Didn't know you still worked here" he said sarcastically and Steph wondered what he meant by that.

"What do you mean by that?" Steph asked curiously.

Steph turned to look at him and the first thought on her mind was "have I been fired and have no idea about it".

"It's all over the news. You got married to a billionaire, what else do you need working in a place like this" he said

Steph was beginning to understand him then.

"I didn't know news spread that fast," Steph mumbled beneath her breath.

"Everyone knows."

The elevator made a ding sound signifying they had gotten to the floor where they work.

Mike stepped out and Steph followed behind him.

As Steph walked through her other co-workers into her office, she couldn't help but notice the stares and side talks amongst them. The walk felt long and the stares felt like they were piercing through her skin.

She got into her office, sat and heaved a long sigh.

She wondered if this was going to be her new normal. She hated attention, any form of it at all.

Emily walked into her office few minutes after.

"Hey Steph,"

"Emily, hello."

"Boss said she needs to see some samples today."

"Alright, tell my team we will be having a meeting later today."

"I will."

Before Emily walked out, Steph asked her what had been bothering her since.

"What's wrong with everyone today?" Steph said, turning to look out at some who were still staring at her.

Emily sat in front of Steph on the chair.

"You got married that's why."

"How is that a reason to stare and whisper as I pass by."

"You didn't just get married to anyone. You got married to the cities youngest billionaire and everyone's sweetheart. Do you know how many girls would kill to be in your shoes," Emily explained and Steph had never thought things would get this complicated.

"I didn't know it was such a big deal."

"Not a big deal!!" Emily smiled "who are you!!"

"He is every girl's crush and dream man."

"I hate this kind of attention. What am I going to do now?"

"You will have to get used to it. I am happy for you by the way. A lot of hate will come but I know you're tough to take them on," Emily said with a smile.

The Billionaire's  contract MarriageWhere stories live. Discover now