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Steph had her legs out as she painted them with the red nail paint in her hands. She had not had a nail paint on in months and had wanted to do something different. She felt the whole pregnancy had been making her cut back and stop doing a lot of things and she missed doing them.

Mia would always question why she would rather paint her fingernails herself, than go to a professional nail artist but Steph always said it was one of her favorite past time.

Her favorite tv show was on and she painted why she watched it. Steph kept her nails under her UV LED lamp. Her eye caught the time on her phone and she realized that it was almost 10pm.

She had gotten back from work quiet early that day and had spent most of the time talking to Lucy and sitting on the couch watching friends.

Lucy had retired to bed and she was left watching her series alone. Alex wasn't back from work and the chef was also done for the day. Everywhere had been quiet except from the voices coming from the TV.

As her nail hardened in the lamp, she focused on what she had been watching in the TV. Steph heard movements coming from the back door and falling of somethings.

She immediately stood from where she was, scared. No one ever passed the back door" she thought to herself. She picked the closest thing that could serve as defense to her and it was a lamp.

She moved closer as the sound got closer, she was about to hit the lamp on the head of the intruder, then she realized it was Alex.

Alex walked staggering into the living room, he was visibly drunk and Steph wondered where he was even coming from like that.

"Alex!!" Steph said, hoping that would wake him back to his senses.

She wondered what could have happened. She had never seen him that drunk before.

Alex was almost falling when he immediately held the wall for support. Steph held his hands around her shoulders using herself as a support for him.

"You're...so pre..tty," Alex said, his voice not so audible and coherent.

"You're drunk Alex," Steph said, helping him up the stairs.

"And you...are...love...ly."

Steph didn't pay attention to what he said anymore as she was concentrated on helping him past the stairs, without both of them falling down from the stairs.

Steph managed to bring him up to his room. While she tried opening his room, he pulled her in for a tight hug.

Steph obliged and hugged him back and then let go, helping him inside.

Steph successfully opened the door and got him in. She sat him down on his bed and he immediately lay on it.

She took in a deep breath after, as she was tired from all the walking up.

She bent near his side and took off his shoes for him. She pulled his legs up onto the bed properly and used the blanket next to him to cover him.

Steph decided to leave after she was done and watched as he drifted off to sleep.

Steph wanted to watch him to make sure he wouldn't need anything for a while. She sat on the floor close to the side he was.

She thought about all the moments they had had and how he was acting funny because he was drunk. Step smiled has she remembered the hug he asked for at the door and how sweet he was.

Steph watched as he slept like a baby and has she stood up to leave. She had a realization and hoped it wasn't true.

"Was she starting to like him? Was she starting to fall for him? Was Lucy and Mia right after all? Her head got clouded with a lot of thought and it scared her. She hoped she was wrong and that it was all nothing.

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